Issue 10 - The Butterfly Effect

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"It used to be thought that the events that changed the world were things like big bombs, maniac politicians, huge earthquakes, or vast population movements, but it has now been realized that this is a very old-fashioned view held by people totally out of touch with modern thought. The things that really change the world, according to Chaos theory, are tiny things. For example, a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazonian jungle, and subsequently a storm ravages half of Europe."


"I'm going to enjoy this."

Bakugo came at me with the strongest force, it was clear he was holding nothing back, and I didn't want it any other way. This was perfect, how I could only imagine it. Walking backwards, I waited for the single moment to strike. Then, holding his gadget up, pulling the pin. I countered, swinging my arm down the grenade attached to his arm, bursting into the red string, the very object falling apart. His eyes widened his main attack foiled in an instant. I couldn't help but stop grinning to myself like a proud parent watching their child perform on stage. It was bliss seeing the hero fall so far beneath my boot. Curling my fist together, I punched him clean in the stomach, launching him back into the trees. Aizawa and Tiger didn't waste any time moving on the defence. Restraints tightened, holding me on the spot giving Tiger enough time to land a devasting blow. Aiming my hand down, I let off a burst of air blowing the ground away, which in turn allowed me to escape by the graze of my cheek. Sliding back, I punched the air serval times, forcing Aizawa to dodge my barrage of air bullets. Hopping between the trees, he activated his quirk, stopping my advances dead in its track.

Quickly tearing my arms back, red string poured through, attaching to Aizawa, wrapping him around the tree. He kept trying to deactivate my quirk to no prevail. "Impossible! How are you still using that quirk?!"

Slamming him to the ground, I was caught up with Tiger now as he kept throwing punches after punches. Hoping back, avoiding as many as possible, I blocked an overhead with my right arm returning a force with my left. Grunting, Tiger pulled my arm away, catching me off guard with his power knocking me to the floor. Rolling back, I slammed against a tree with a thud. Blood trickled from my face; the wound was soon patched up by my quirk as my string pulled me up, bleeding into the trees. "I underestimated you, Tiger; you're more powerful than I anticipated." Red string dug out from my nails as the trap was laid, and Tiger was hoisted into the air with a broken arm and leg. "I won't make that mistake again."

Ready to kill the weakling, Midoriya darted in, tackling me to the floor. Falling on my front, he pulled my arm back, holding it behind my back. "Y/N, stop this! That's enough, don't hurt anyone else!"

"That's it. Overpower me. Show me no mercy Deku! I'm the big bad villain who won't stop. Strike me down and be the hero. Be All Might!" I scream with laughter, not pulling up any sort of resistance. The laughter turned into uncontrollable giggles as I sighed. "I like you, Midoriya. I do. So I'm going to give you a chance, walk away. Walk away and return to camp, pretend nothing happened. If anyone asks, say I wanted to stay out and train more. Enjoy the evening with your friends and let me fulfil my destiny. Let me kill All Might."

Tightening his grip, Midoriya was clearly shaken by my words. "Kill All Might? No, you're lying. You wouldn't. Why?"

Staring on at the sun setting, I hissed under my breath. "Because he took everything from me."

Twisting my body, I managed to throw Midoriya off, jumping to my feet. Turning, Bakugo came flying back in, unleashing a heavy blast sending me into the air. Rag dolling high above the trees, I saw Bakugo below me, readying another explosion. Quickly panicking, I pulled a strain of string at him dragging his leg knocking him off balance. The almighty explosion missed blowing into the sky. Landing on the floor, I closed the distance with Bakugo, not allowing him to get any sort of advantage with his quirk. Grabbing onto his arm, I threw him over my shoulder, slamming him into the ground. Stomping my foot on his chest, he could not move as I pushed down harder. Midoriya returned with a sharp jab, making me stumble back, cackling away as we traded blows. With this extra time, Bakugo rose to his feet and was ready for an explosion. Punching Midoriya to distance ourselves, I twirled my arm around, controlling Bakugo's arm to fire on Midoriya instead. Screaming out, Midoriya crashed to the ground. Bakugo gritted his teeth, furious, firing off a dozen shots over and over. "Die!"

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