Issue 1 - The Blood of the Innocent

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The atmosphere in Class 1A had been tense, to say the least, for the past few weeks. A hole had been left in the class, which most believed could never be filled. Finally, however, the day they had been inevitably coming to was here at last. Everyone remained silent, a few staring at the empty chair as Aizawa walked in, looking far more sympathetic than usual. He stood in front of the class, clearing his throat. 

"If I may have everyone's attention. Now I'm sure all of you know what this is about. And I must ensure that you are to treat our new student no differently than anyone else before we begin. I know the situation calls for questioning, but please, we can't take our grief out on him." Turning his head, Aizawa nodded as the door slowly opened. A meek boy wandered in, holding his arm tightly before standing in front of the class. He had bandages around his left eye and a few scars across his face. Fidgeting on the spot. "Please introduce yourself if you may?"

"Hel- Hello everyone. It's nice to meet you. My name is Y/N L/N; I'm looking forwards to working with all of you very soon."


One month ago

"In other news, the arrest of the hero killer Stain has called into question the outcome of the dilemma caused by three UA students. The three students all had recently taken part in the school festival earlier that month. Through that arrest, crime has increased as a wave of sympathisers have made themselves known, following the man's ideology. However, we recently received word from the hero organisation that they are determined to squash these newfound followers quickly and efficiently. We'll have more on this story when it updates."

My pencil had broken again. Whether it was my heavy-handed nature or something else was left to be desired. I stared at the notebook with my thoughts written down, frustrated as I dropped the pencil into the bin. I was in mid-sentence, making the feeling of an unfinished project worsen for me.

I hate leaving things undone.

"Another broken pencil, huh? You must really be writing some heavy stuff there." My head slowly turned to the waitress, who pulled another small pencil from her apron. "This is the last one, mister, so don't break it."

Slowly taking it, I leaned against the booth sipping on my hot chocolate, nodding. "Thank you."

The girl, clearly in her mid-teens, smiled, shaking her head pushing her jet black hair away from her face. "Don't mention it. But say, what are you writing to cause so many casualties?"


"The pencils."

"Oh, well. I'm not very good at writing. I never learned as a child, so I'm teaching myself."

"For real." She muttered, sitting in the opposite booth taking the notebook. "Let me see... Oh, yup. I can see that. Your words are all over the place. And well, you misspelt morning. You pronounced it mourning."

"Oh. I see."

The waitress handed me the notebook back, looking over to her boss. "Say, you come here every day and write in that notebook. Have you got nothing better to do then? Or could it be you just came to see me?"

I went to speak only to hear my phone ring for the third time. I shook my head, sighing. "I should really take this."

"Don't sweat it. Keep up the writing, mister."

I waited for the waitress to leave before answering the phone silently. "What took you so long?! We've been trying to get ahold of you for hours!"

"Take it easy, Shigaraki... I was busy."

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