Issue 7 - The Red String Jester

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"Alright, everyone, settle down. I said quiet!" Aizawa barked, clearing his throat. "I understand you are all very excited for the school trip coming up, but until then, you will study and prep as we always do. This trip isn't meant to be taken lightly. You will be tested like never before, and your quirks put to the test. Do I make myself clear?"

The Class roared into excitement, leaving me confused. "Is some school trip really that exciting?"

"Are you kidding?! This is our chance to prove ourselves and learn from the pros. Why wouldn't that be exciting?!" Kirishima roared.

Leaning on the table, I yawned, still lost. "What's so exciting about that?"

Before any more could be said, the bell rang as well. All began to head off, only for Aizawa to stop me. "Can I have a word Y/N?"

Walking back, I was slightly taken back when All Might, Midnight and Nezu entered. Ideas began racing through my head as I felt backed against the wall now more than ever. My hand began to twitch, ready to strike like a caged animal. "What's going on? Have I done something wrong?"

"Oh, no, no. Nothing like that." Nezu mentioned pushing two photos forward. One was of the Taker of Wills, the other a man dressed in clown makeup wearing a spraypainted green Santa hat. He also had serval bells tied to his arms with damning red eyes and white hair.

"We have reason to believe these men might have tried contacting you. Are we correct to assume that?" Aizawa asked forwardly.

"Am I being interrogated or something? You said I've done nothing wrong."

All Might pulled a chair back, nodding. "I think you should sit down, young Y/N."

Nezu walked around my desk, sighing. "Do you know why we approved of your place here, Y/N? The letter of recommendation was one key aspect, yes. However, that wasn't the whole truth. We are well aware of who you are."

Feeling my heart skip a beat, my hand gripped onto the table, red string slowly growing out of sight. "What do you mean who you are?"

"A victim. One these men wish to take advantage of." Midnight states making sure the door is closed. "As pros, we were not there for you when your father took advantage of you. You've also made it clear you do not look up to us in any way, shape or form."

"Someone with your quirk and place in this school. Many people would wish to take advantage of this knowledge." Nezu made clear pushing the photos at all. "Has anyone made contact with you?"

"Y/N. We're here to help you. You can trust us." All Might said, lying through his teeth. If only you said that back then. I might have believed you.

"Who are they?"

Opening the file, Nezu spoke up, telling me every piece of information I needed. "Thomas Atkins. Although he prefers to go as the Taker of Wills. A self-indulged vigilante who caused the American agencies quite the trouble a few years back. The whole Stain mess has attracted him here, where he targets those he sees as unworthy of becoming pros. Crooks or just about anyone alike."

"Why would this Taker of Wills be after me?" I ask dryly, slowing retracting my red string. "I don't fit those criteria."

"We didn't say you did. However, he was spotted by serval eyewitnesses near your apartment. We're worried he might be looking for a sidekick."

"He works alone then?" I mutter, reading the file. "And the other?"

"We don't have a name for this two-faced freak. He simply goes by the Red String Jester." My eyes widened at the name as I sat up, getting the attention of Aizawa. "You've heard of him?"

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