Path of the Hero Issue 2 - May I Take Your Order?

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Shigaraki ran his hands over the bar sending serval bottles flying smashing into the wall. He was furious, hellbent over the news as the other villains idly watched no one daring to speak up. "That bastard, just who does he think he is?! After everything we did for him, we took him in, saved his life and gave him the chance to seek his revenge. And for what?! To throw it away and join them? You were wrong about him; he betrayed us."

The door swung open as All For One floated in, smiling to himself. To say everyone was thrown off would be an understatement. No one apart from Shigraraki had seen him in person, so for All For One to causally show up unannounced. "Yes, you are right, Shigaraki. He did betray us. I suspected this would happen. No, planned for this."

"If you knew this was going to happen, why did you task him with such a mission? He could easily leak everything about us. The way I see it, we're finished." Dabi explained, expecting an answer.

"Allow me to repeat myself. I said he did betray us. I never said anything about the mission being over." All For One withheld the door slamming behind. "In fact, Y/N's mission has now just begun."

"How? He denounced himself from helping us. He's not going to kill All Might no matter how much we say please." Mr Compass interrupted.

Dabi raised his hand, intrigued. "Let him explain himself."

"Y/N was never going to hold the act up, nor was he ever going to go through with the deed. But now, the deception has begun. Y/N truly believes he can change; he no longer looks to deceive or kill All Might. And now the pros believe that too. Now is the time to act; we will strike the pros at heart, and Y/N will be the finishing blow. The quirk he possesses will end them all."

"The Red String? Just what is up with that power of his? It's all over the place, almost like it has a mind of its own." 

"It isn't Y/N's quirk."

"Oh, it's your quirk then?" Toga carried on lost. Shaking his head, everyone was left confused. "You gave it to him?"

"I didn't choose Y/N as my apprentice because he hated the pros. Nor was it because his willpower was unlike anyone's else. No Y/N was special because the quirk he has inside of him is being controlled by someone." All For One said, dropping a bombshell.

"Someone else? What the hell does that mean?" Shigaraki questions.

"I do not have that answer. However, this individual will not be happy with the choice Y/N has made. If we were to draw out this third party, he would kill All Might for us. Y/N is still the key for victory." He boldly claims

"I don't like this. How can we believe this?"

"Trust me, Shigaraki, this is the truth. If that doesn't work. You can kill him yourself." All For One states turning to Kurogiri. "We strike today; the pros will be here soon. Destroy everything. We move on UA High."


Midoriya, Kirishima, Uraraka and Kaminari were stopped heading towards the dorms by Aizawa looking deflated. "I know what you kids want; I cannot let you in there. Y/N is to speak to none of you."

"Aizawa, sir, please. We need to talk to him. He's our friend."

"Even if that's the case, we cannot trust him yet. He infiltrated the school undetected with the intention of killing All Might. Once he tells us the League's plan, he's going to prison." Aizawa explained, unsatisfied. "I know what you're going to say even if we wanted to help him... Y/N is refusing our help; all he wants is to be locked away. That boy has lost all hope."

"Let us talk to him; we can convince him otherwise. Please!" Midoriya pleased.

"Let them through Aizawa," Nezu ordered, leaving the building. "What Y/N needs is a friend."

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