Path of the Villain Issue 3 - Long Live the King

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The faded neon sign echoed in the dark as raindrops hammered down, scorching against the heat of the light. I stood staring at the League's hideout, feeling like a new man. A man with a purpose. Serval patrol cars passed by as I watched idly before entering.

Everyone was sitting around, their attention turning to me in an instant as Shigaraki moved from around the bar. "Where the hell have you been?! I've been trying to contact you for ages."

Glancing over his shoulder, I saw the TV All For One would bark orders from static. Smirking, I eyed it down. "Bad connection? I don't know about you, but I'm parched." Falling into one of the booths, I twirled my fingers as a glass flew over to me into my hand. Taking a sip, I let out a sigh of relief. "That hits the spot."

"Where the hell did you get that quirk?" He snapped back, looking concerned.

Letting it play out, I put the glass to my mouth, smiling. "Can't a guy finish his drink?"

Toga sat next to me with the same smug grin as me. Handing her the glass, I threw down the scorched mask of All For One on the table, startling everyone. "What is that?"

"A message." I gloat legs on the table.

"What message?" Dabi questioned.

"That you are all under new management. All For One is dead. You all answer to me now."

Shigaraki fell back onto the barside, eyes widened with shock. "No. He can't be. You're lying."

"Oh, poor old Shig. I think we both know that's not true. All For One betrayed me, so I returned the favour. He was closed-minded, generic and bland. He wanted to kill All Might, but what after? I did him a solid putting the old man down."

Shigaraki lost it, lunging at me only to slam on the table side bleeding from the nose the Red String wrapped around his legs. Toga kneeled down a knife to his neck. "You filthy traitor. I knew I couldn't trust you."

"Easy Toga. We're all outcasts here. Beside best not to get too close." I ease, holding my arm out. Toga sat down, leaning into my shoulder nodding. "See, that's better. In fact, everyone gather around for a drink. We're celebrating."

"You killed the closet thing I can call family. Why the hell should I celebrate?"

"Two of the power plays are out of the competition. The Pros are falling apart; they'll be scrambling to throne a new number one to calm the public. I won't allow that to happen."

"So we strike and finish the pros while they are injured?" Twice asked, lifting his mask up to drink. "We will finally change society for the better?"

"In this current condition, no. Villains attract Heroes. That invites conflict, which leads right back to square one. None of them is worth a damn, betrayed by both. I aim to wipe them both out. Heroes nor Villains suit my new world." I exclaim, downing my glass. "Tell me, why is this world so shitty?"

"The Pros, they take what they want to take whatever they want and get rich off it." Toga ranted, stabbing her knife into the table. "They claim to be saving the world, yet they only do it for fame and fortune."

"Correct, anyone else?"

"I can't help but suspect we, too, are part of the problem." Kurogiri suggests. "We aren't helping the fact the pros are more desperate likewise we are too."

"You are also correct, but it's far more straightforward. Each and every one of us share it. Our quirks. Think about it if everyone was to wake up tomorrow with no quirks, wouldn't the world be better? The police could handle a simple thug. You wouldn't have to worry about your neighbour being a weapon of mass destruction. You wouldn't pray for a hero to save the day. Truth be told, a world without quirks is bliss." I share getting some strange looks. "No one would judge you as evil just because you were born different. I intend on changing that. The only way to change this world is to strip it of its core beliefs and remove quirks. Then and only then can we live in peace."

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