Issue 5 - The Taker of Wills

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The door to the bar burst open as the villains all pivoted their eyes to me. Strolling in, I dropped my school bag alongside my jacket, slouching into one of the booths yawning. "Man, does it feel good to be home. That apartment just feels so empty and lifeless."

Shigaraki stood blocking me as I eyed him down with a dull look. "Report."

"Sorry, I don't report to you."

Slamming the table, it began to slowly crumble. "I wasn't asking."

Flipping a pen around, I opened a notebook beginning on my homework. "I met All Might yesterday. Face to face, I even fought him. How's that for a report?"

"You did what?!"

"He has a few loose screws. I knew it." Dabi jabbed, leaning against the wall.

"This is the so-called foolproof plan All For One had? He's mocking us." A lizardman croaked, arms folding, sitting at the bar.

I looked at him for serval seconds blinking. "Who the fuck is this guy?"

"New members who, unlike you, wish to make a difference." Shigaraki snapped. "Meet Spinner, twice and Mr Compress."

I eyed each one down, smirking to myself, jotting notes in my notebook. "Where the hell do you find these bottom of the barrel marvel rejects?"

"How much longer are we going to tolerate this shit? The kid is wasting our time." Dabi insisted, staring right at me. 

Shigaraki raised his hand handing. "Easy, easy. It's true, though. You've been there almost a month, and all you've done is waste our money on school trips and pancakes. I'm starting to think your not capable of this mission."

"Maybe your right." Clicking my tongue, I leaned back with a smug look. "Maybe I should tell All Might the location of the league of villains. Surely that enough would rid me of all misdeeds and keep me as a hero in training.  After all, that's all I ever wanted, right? The way I see it, you have nothing on me. If it wasn't for All For One, I would have left this freakshow long ago."

Shigaraki pinned me against the wall, ready to activate his quirk. "I've had enough of your bullshit, Y/N! We should kill you right now!"

"Ah, ah, ah. Easy cowboy." I taunt, glancing down. Shigaraki followed, finding the red string attached to him and everyone in the bar. "Tell me, how quickly can your quirk kill someone, Shig? Mine is oh so fast. I could snap your spine in two and watch you bleed. Slit open your stomach and laugh as you try and scoop up your intestines poorly. Or I could make you my puppet and put on a show for the world. You have nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to sway me with. Yes, you could kill me, but I'll happily take you with me. You can't carry out your sad little dream if you're dead."

"Enough. All of you." All For One threatened from the TV. Shigaraki dropped me as my red string all vanished. "I do not expect you to get along, my children, but please, you must put your differences aside if you wish to kill All Might."

Falling into my booth, I picked up my notebook, reading out aloud. "Katsuki Bakugo. Explosion quirk, this allows him to produce powerful explosions. He does this by sweating nitroglycerin-like substances from his skin which he can detonate at will. He can also store his sweat in his gadgets, which can be used to challenge unexpected foes at a whim. Conclusion wear his explosions down until he's out of sweat. Oh, I'm sorry. Should I stop?"

Taking the notebook, Shigaraki turned through pages of copied text. "What is this?"

"An advantage. Izuku Midroiya. The idiot writes down the quirk of every hero or villain he meets, down to the last detail.  I only jotted down the small bits I could remember. So as you can see, Shigaraki, it's not all just school trips and pancakes." I smugly press, standing up. "Oh, and one more thing. You probably already knew this, but All Might is much weaker than before. My fight with him proved that. He took me down with one punch while under the influence of the strings. I manage to take three before giving up on my own terms. You want to know if I can kill him. I'm damn well sure I can now."

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