Issue 9 - True Colours

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"The sun is rising."

"The early bird gets the worm."


"I'm hidden away in the forest waiting on the target. Waiting on the order."

"Good. When the target arrives, take him down on sight. Any other distractions are futile. If anyone else gets in your way, dispose of them."

"What if All Might turns up?"

"You are no match for All Might. Retreat the moment he shows."

"Understood. How far am I allowed to go?"

A pause.

"All For One?"

"As far as you need to go, Taker of Wills. If Y/N dies, then he wasn't worth the effort."


Flipping forward, I smashed my leg down, unleashing a short burst of air, pushing Kirishima down while he kept his balance. Hardening more, he grabbed my leg, throwing me aside. Flipping back, I touched the floor, letting off a burst again, flying back at Kirishima, punching him generally in the stomach. My fist lingered there as he, in turn, lowered his guard to strike.

I smirked as the aftershock kicked in, and a strong gust of air blasted through him, sending him back, crashing into a tree falling to the ground. "Time! After that match, Y/N is the winner." Tiger roared, getting everyone else cheering. 

Walking over, I held my hand out as Kirishima took it. "Man, you're something else Y/N. To think in just four months, you've completely changed your fighting style."

"Just hard training and hours of mistakes. I can see you've improved as well, Kirishima. Not many people can easily withstand a kick like that, but you shrugged it off like it was nothing."

"You were both awesome!" Uraraka said, jumping in the air. "It's great seeing you both in action like this."

"I agree. We're all so in the heat of the moment when in a real fight we can never truly sit back and enjoy a friendly sparring match." Iida commented, nodding away.

"Say Y/N, what was that attack you used on Kirishima back there? I hadn't seen something like it before?" Momo questioned.

Moving my arm around, I smiled, nodding. "It's something I've been working on. My punches outright are not anywhere near the power of, say, Midoriya or Kirishima. Because of that, I have to rely on my quirk to deal with the upfront attack. Because of that, an enemy can easily prepare or block an attack. But, on the other hand, if I delay the inial blow for a few seconds, I can catch a foe off guard as they lower their guard. I call it aftershock."

The moment I gave away one of my new moves, Midoriya was already jotting it down, fixated on this new piece of information. "So if you can delay your quirk, can you also choose how strong it comes out? How condensed the air is, oh you could use it as a defensive tool if a villain catches you off guard."

Laughing, I rub the back of my neck. "A pro in training is allowed to keep some cards up his sleeve, right? I'm still working on one such move, which is my trump card, you could say."

"You all seem to get along well?" Tiger points out over our laughter. "Forgive me, Y/N, but I did read your record. You were an unusual case, not too. After all the hardship brought down on you, I would never guess you've only been with these guys for four months."

"Really? Oh jeez, you're making me blush. I guess I was just fortunate when it came to my friends."

Before more could be said, a boy from 1B came by yelling at us with some sort of superiority complex. "You act all confident now, but while you had to accompany a new classmate and strain under the villain attacks, we've overtaken you! But, just you wait; Class 1B will obliterate you, weaklings!"

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