The Girl Through The Window

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Percys POV

I walk downstairs and immediately take in the sweet smell of my moms baking. I must have gotten a little too excited because I skipped the last 2 stairs. I silently thanked whatever god was listening that no one saw that.

"Hey Percy is that you hun?" My mom calls from the kitchen.

"Yeah Ma it's me," I said walking in the kitchen while rubbing my eyes.

"What's wrong sweetie?" My mom asks.

Suddenly I realize my mood and plaster a big smile across my face. My mom doesn't need any more stress in her life. She had to take on more hours at her job to help pay for the house on top of what my step-father contributes. Which isn't a lot I might add, but it helps.

The only reason my mom is with that loser I like to call 'Smelly Gabe' is because we need the money. Sure I could get a job too, but what is my 10 bucks an hour working at Chuck E Cheese going to do?

"Oh nothing Mom I'm just a little tired," I replied.

I walked up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I was about to reach for one of her famous blue cookies when she swatted my hand away. I pouted and looked at her with my cutest baby seal eyes.

"Nah-uh, those cookies are a house warming gift for our new neighbours. They just moved in next door and we're going to go over and welcome them to the neighbourhood," she explained.

"Ugh fine, but don't expect me to make friends with these people. You know that's not really my thing," I said.

Sure I did have a friend group of sorts, but that doesn't mean I don't know how I did it. At the start of high school I really only had two real friends, but then our little group let in a few more and now we're at about six including me. If you don't count some of our other friends that don't usually hang out with the group, then we'd be at about ten.

I looked at my mom in the eyes and she nodded reluctantly. Then I smiled and snatched up a cookie and bolted up the stairs.

"Perseus Jackson!" My mother called after me.

I just laughed, shut the door behind me and sat at my desk. It was spring time now so the air was starting to warm up a bit, but not too much. The snow had melted and the flowers were just about to bloom. Naturally, that means my mom wouldn't be turning the AC on until summer time comes closer.

So, it tends to get hot in my room. Now, it would be easy to just open the window, but it's a little finicky. You have to jiggle and turn the handle just the right amount to get it to crack, but then it'll smooth sailing.

I open the drawer in my desk and pull out my notebook and a pen. I flip through the pages until I reach the current song I'm working on called...well, untitled so far, but I'll find something to call it. It's about wanting something that I don't have, but I'm not really sure what that is.

I don't really write seriously, just for fun and it's something to pass the time. I started when my mom married my step-dad. It was a good way to express my feelings without having to actually say them to people, like my friends for example. Sure I know they would listen, but if they knew everything that happened in my life, they probably wouldn't want to be friends with me.

I pick up my guitar and start mindlessly strumming to try and make up a good melody. I have a process, I strum a bit, then write it in my book. Then I scratch stuff out and start again. It tends to look pretty messy but when I'm satisfied with the song I copy it onto better paper and store them in a folder.

After about 10 minutes of strumming I couldn't seem to find anything that stuck. The notes just didn't flow together as nice as I envisioned. Then the strangest thing happened. I started to get the weird sense that someone was watching me.

I look up from my guitar only to see a beautiful girl with blonde hair and princess curls pulled into a ponytail. She goes a bit red when I catch her watching me and I internally laugh. I started feeling a little awkward myself so I just smile and wave a little.

The girl smile back and gives a small wave. Then, rather abruptly she shuts her curtains and I'm left looking at nothing.

Eventually my mom calls me down for dinner and so I get up to walk out of my room, looking back at the window with the girl. Then I remember I get to go over to her house later...I'm going to her house later. I felt nervous, but then I broke into a small grin thinking that maybe I can for once make a friend on my own.


heyyy, so I know these first 2 chapters weren't that long and I promise they will get longer once the story picks up a bit. Anyways, again, I hope you enjoyed and feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments.

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- Izzy

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