The Dance

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Percys POV

    This was it, the day of the school dance. Normally I don't go to these events because...well because I never had a date, I didn't want to look like the weird kid hanging out by the snack table the whole time.

    But now, since I have Annabeth, I can finally go. Shopping with the guys was absolutely painful. We all ended up finding a suit, but there were many incidents while we were there.

    First off, when we walked in the store, everything looked the same. How was I supposed to find something? I knew to pick a navy blue suit because Annabeth told me she was going to choose a grayish blue dress.

    The second thing, was that Leo kept insisting to try on a crazy bright red suit. He recently got a date with some girl named Calypso. How that happened, I have no clue. We ended up convincing him that getting a flaming red suit would probably make Calypso mad, and after he realized that he quickly changed his mind.

    Also, without Will, Nico was grumpier than usual. I mean, it wasn't that bad, but I could tell he really didn't want to be shopping with a bunch of guys. He was the first to pick out his suit, it was all back, and I mean all black.

    Anyways, that was the story of our amazing shopping trip. I mean at least it ended up being successful. Now we were all waiting at Jason's house, the girls + Will were all at Piper's house, and we had to pick them up in 10 minutes.

    I was a nervous wreck, I know there was nothing to be nervous about. But come on, you can't blame me. We have been ready for about a half an hour.

    The drive there was normal, everyone piled into two cars, Frank's van and Jason's car. I went with Frank and Leo, and Jason and Nico went in the other car.

    We pulled up to Piper's house and everyone got out of the cars. I rang the door bell and waited for someone to open the door. 'Coming!' someone shouted from inside.

    Will opened the door with a bright smile.

    "Hey guys! Everyone is coming, just give them a sec," He said and walked past us to stand with Nico who was at the back of the group. Nicos scowl was replaced with a small smile.

(A/N the next part is so awkward for some reason don't mind that)

    One by one, all the girls came down the stairs. First was Reyna, she wore a black dress. She was on her phone texting someone, I didn't think she had a date, but maybe they were going to meet her at the dance.

    Then came Piper, she was wearing a pinkish dress, with her hair in cool braids that must have taken forever to put in. She walked over to Jason and smiled, taking his arm and walking off to the side.

    Next was Hazel, she wore a purple dress, her hair was wild and curly as usual, but it looked good still. Fran went to walk a step forward and almost face planted. Hazel just laughed and steadied him.

    Last came Annabeth, and all I can say is she looked absolutely stunning. She walked towards me and my breath caught in my throat. I tried to speak but no words came out.

    "Close your mouth Seaweed Brain," she said. "You're drooling."

    I chuckled and grabbed her hand and we all walked towards the cars.

    The dance was packed with students. Everyone was either sitting at tables, by the snack bar, or on the dance floor. It was truly intimidating.

Everyone went off on their own ways and that just left me and Annabeth standing there awkwardly. I didn't know if I was supposed to ask her to dance or not. Like, would that be weird? Agh, this whole boyfriend thing is hard.

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