'I Promise'

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TW: mentions of panic attacks. Sorry I didn't put any for the abuse, I'll change the description. Deeply sorry if I hurt/offended anyone.

Percys POV

    My first night home was fantastic, for the first 5 minutes. I didn't have anything to worry about when I got home. My doctors said that I wasn't allowed to do any physical activities for the next couple of weeks, but honestly it's not so bad. I mean, I'm bummed I'm going to miss some swim practices, but there is still time.

    When I walked in the door my mom was sitting on the couch watching tv. I could smell the sweet aroma of my moms famous blue cookies filling the air. When my mom saw me carrying all my bags she shot up from the couch and ran to help me.

    "Perseus Jackson, the doctors said no activity!" She chided.

    "Mom, seriously. I'm okay," I said, setting down the rest of my bags and walking towards the kitchen.

As soon as I reached a certain part of the house, between the living room and kitchen, I froze. I don't know why, but images of Gabe hitting me kept flashing through my head, replaying the horrid experience he put me through.

My hands and legs started shaking and I sunk to the floor. My breath was uneven and it was getting harder to breath. I could faintly hear my mom in the background calling someone on the phone. Her tone was panicked, I sat there against the wall, shaking, with my breathing out of control.

The front door flew open and I felt someone rush to my side. My vision came into focus and I saw Annabeth sitting in front of me, her eyes filled with concern. She ushered soothing words to me, stoking my back. After a couple minutes, my breathing slowed, and my senses were much sharper.

I felt tears running down my face, I put my head in my hands. What was wrong with me?

I felt Annabeth put both hands on either side of my face and lift up my head to meet her eyes. She attempted a small smile, and just seeing her face lifted my spirits. I was so grateful that she was there for me, after all we've been through. I put my head into the crook of her neck and just sobbed softly.

"I'm sorry, Annabeth," I said.

—— Annabeths POV ——

I was woken up to the phone ringing, it was unusual so I ignored it for the first couple rings. Then I finally gained focus, and I shot up out of bed. I grabbed my phone and it showed Sally was calling. What happened? I frantically pressed accept.

"Hello, Sally? Is everything okay? What happened?" I asked, quiet enough not to wake my dad.

"I...I think Percy is having a panic attack, I don't know what to do!" Sally said, she sounded shaky, this must be bad.

I used to have panic attacks all the time, I don't get them as much any more. I was super torn when my mom left abruptly when I was young, that's when I'd developed them. Over the years, they have gotten more controlled and I just monitor my symptoms.

"I'll be right there," I said confidently.

I threw on the first thing that I could find, which was the hoodie I was wearing earlier and a pair of black athletic shorts. I pulled on my converse at the door and sprinted across the lawn and burst through Percys front door.

I immediately saw Sally pacing the room and when she saw me I gave her a quick embrace. Then I turned my attention to Percy. He wasn't saying anything, but he was shaking and his breaths were very quick and uneven.

I made my way over to him and sat directly in front of him. He appeared to have weak senses and probably couldn't hear what I was saying, but I started to say encouraging things and also things that would distract him, because that's what you are supposed to do.

After a few minutes his breathing slowed and he put his head in his hands. I put both hands on either side of his face and directed it upwards to meet my eyes. He didn't say anything, he just hugged me. I felt so bad, I couldn't stand to see him hurt like this.

What he said next, completely broke me.

"I'm sorry, Annabeth," he said.

My heart dropped, how could he think these things about himself? I wanted to strangle Gabe, Percy did not deserve this one bit. He should be happy, practicing on the swim team and hanging out with his friends, not having panic attacks and worrying about his jerk step-father.

"Percy, you have nothing to apologize for," I said, my voice cracked. "You are the bravest person I have ever met in my life, what you went through was horrible, but I'll always be here. I promise."

"Thank you. I promise I'll try to get better," he said.

"Okay, now let's get you up to bed," I stood up and helped Percy do the same.

He was still shaken and numb from what just happened. I smiled at Sally and she mouthed to me that she would call my dad. Hm, it was funny how Sally didn't mind me staying and helping. Most parents wouldn't trust us like Sally and my dad did.

We made it all the way to Percys bedroom and I sat him on his bed. I walked over to his drawer and pulled out a t-shirt and basketball shorts. I handed them to him and helped him take off his hoodie and tried my hardest not to blush when he took his shirt off. Seriously, how could I be thinking that right now, stupid teenage hormones.

After he finished changing, I pulled back the sheets and he crawled under the blankets and pulled me down with him. I settled down on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist, as if I might disappear.

I fell asleep not long after that, dreaming that the next day would be better.


Sorry for this horrible chapter. I wanted to put something out, and show that Percy is still tough, even though he has a vulnerable side.

Don't feel as if you have to be ashamed or weak. You are a hero and you are brave. Never put yourself down, and find someone that will always be there for you.

That's it for today, also, brace yourself for the upcoming chapters. Some stuff is bout to go down.

- Izzy

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