First Impressions

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Annabeths POV

"You know Annabeth you should really eat more. You look so skinny, are you sure that we don't need to put you in therapy?" Here we go. The daily dinner special, Helens lectures.

Every night at dinner the conversation usually twists into a "point out everything wrong with Annabeth special", it's honestly annoying. I know that most of the stuff isn't true, but I can't help but be insecure sometimes. I sit there with a bored look on my face trying to hold back my bubbling anger.

"May I please be excused?" I said in my sweetest tone possible.

"Not before cleaning all of the dishes and then the entire kitchen," Helens eyes narrowed and I wanted to slap her right in her plastic face.

"Sure thing," I responded with an icy glare. I will pay for that later, I thought.

Just as I was clearing the last of the dishes I unexpectedly heard the doorbell ring. I decided to let someone else answer it for a change. After a few seconds of silence, and one more ring I stomped my foot and rushed to the door.

When I opened it I saw a very nice lady with brown hair and almond shaped eyes holding a plate cookies? Strange. But I'm intrigued. I was focused on the cookies when all of a sudden the woman says:

"Hello, my name is Sally Jackson and this is my son Percy. We are your next door neighbours!"

The woman's smile was so bright and genuine, she must be a great mother to her son. Wait did she say next door? Oh man.

"Hi, I'm Percy," the boy with the sea green eyes I'd seen through the window was standing right in front of me.

Oh gods I looked so disheveled and ratty. My hair was a mess and my hands were soaking wet from cleaning the dishes. Come on Annabeth. Respond to them!

"Oh hello it's nice to meet you, I'm Annabeth," I replied. "Would you-"

"Annabeth! Who is at the door!" My step-mother shrieked as she sauntered over to where we were all standing.

"Oh hello ma'am, I'm Sally. We live next door and I made some cookies as a house warming gift," Sally said.

"Well how wonderful! You must come in for tea," my step-mother offered.

"That would be lovely, if it isn't too much trouble?" Sally asked.

"No! No trouble at all," Helen smiled. But it dropped when she turned to me. "Annabeth, go take the cookies Sally made into the kitchen and make some tea. Be useful for once."

"Yes mother," she insisted I called her that after I told her once she wasn't my real mom. What a joke, but if I didn't she would slap me. And I'm not kidding.

I thanked Sally and took the cookies into the kitchen, but not before sneaking a glance at Percy. He had a sort of confused look on his face while he inspected Helen.

Just as I was putting the kettle on the stove I heard someone shuffling behind me. I turned and jumped at the sudden movement, but relaxed when I saw whose face it was.

"Hey," I said to Percy.

"Hey, are you okay?" His hands crossed over his chest like he felt awkward. To be honest, I felt the same way.

"Oh ya, you just scared me that's all." The truth is, I thought he was my step-mother. She would probably scold me for 'making her look bad' in front of guests.

"Sorry about that. I just came to...umm, ask you if, well..." He stumbled.

"Spit it out, Seaweed Brain," what did I just say? Real smooth Annabeth. Real smooth.

"'Seaweed Brain'?" He asked.

"Yes, I have declared you to be Seaweed Brain, because your head is full of Seaweed," now that's better.

"Well okay then," he laughed and I blushed.

I cleared my throat, "so what did you want to ask me?"

"Oh! I was just going to ask if you were going to go to school." He said, appearing more comfortable with the conversation.

"Um yeah actually, Goode High I think," I replied. "Where do you go?"

I could tell he was fighting off a grin, "I go there as well, maybe I'll see you around?"

"Sure, I would like that. Considering I'll have absolutely no friends."

He finally started smiling, "Well I'll be your friend, Wise Girl."

"So that's the great Nickname you came up with?" I smirked.

"What! It's all I can think of," he replied nervously.

"I'm only teasing Seaweed Brain," I laughed as I brought the tea to where the adults were sitting, with Percy following behind me.

After everyone had finished their tea, Sally announced that she had to be getting home because she had work the next morning.

Helen waved goodbye and went to tuck in Bobby and Matthew and my father had gone to his office halfway through tea so I walked the Jackson's to the door.

"Goodbye Mrs. Jackson, it was nice meeting you," I said

"Oh dear please call me Sally, and it was lovely meeting you as well. I hope you like the cookies, they are Percys favourite."

"They look delicious," I smiled

She waved goodbye and walked down the front steps. But stopped one the driveway. "Percy are you coming?"

"I'll be home in a minute Mom," Percy said.

Sally made her way across the lawn and I looked up at Percy. Which wasn't far because he was only a few inches taller than me.

"So, I was going to ask if you wanted to trade numbers, you know, keep in touch?" He seemed to rush it out a bit like he was afraid of my response.

"Oh yeah definitely, just let me grab my phone." I walked inside and sprinted up the stairs grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I ran back down and walked casually to the door.

He pulled out his phone and put in my contact and I did the same.

"Night, Wise Girl," he said walking backwards down the steps.

"Goodnight Percy, see you tomorrow." With that, I went back inside and walked back up to my room.

I flipped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I think I just made a new...friend. Yes, that's all we could be. If he got too close who knows if he would want to be my friend, let alone more. What if he found out about the things Helen said, would he believe them?

I tried to push out the bad thoughts and focus on what matters. I might not be completely alone in this world. Hopefully this will make school whole lot easier tomorrow.


So a bit of a longer chapter this time. I had a lot of fun writing it. I know this is my first story, but I have no idea if anyone will even read this so if you are then...THANKS!

It means a whole lot to me, don't forget to vote!

new chapters out soon, feedback is appreciated.

- Izzy

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