The Plan

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TW: brief scene involving a panic attack
Percys POV

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I missed the warmth of Annabeth next to me. I rolled over and grabbed my phone off my nightstand to check the time. The clock read 7:30, which meant I only had a little time until I had to be at school.

I got up out of bed and picked out my clothes for the day, my usual jeans with a hoodie. This one was gray, which happened to be Annabeths favourite colour. I smiled internally as I thought about her. Seriously, how could I possibly have the most beautiful girl in the world as my girlfriend?

I went over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. There's no use in trying to tame my hair, it just decides it wants to be naturally messy. After I finished getting ready I went downstairs to see my mom.

"Morning Mom," I said as I walked into the kitchen and popped a piece of bread in the toaster.

"Morning Hun, how are you feeling," She asked. Oh great, I didn't want to bring up last night. On top of that, I don't want my mom to worry, she has enough stress in her life right now.

"Oh...I'm good. Speaking of, where's Annabeth?" I asked, changing the subject.

"She went home about 20 minutes ago, she said she'd be back to walk to school," My mom seemed to get the hint I didn't want to talk about it.

As if on cue, there was a knock on the front door. I shouted 'come in' and Annabeth opened the door.

"Morning, Seaweed Brain. You ready for school? It's a big day!" She said walking into the living room.

"Oh yeah! I can't wait to see their reactions," I said. Today was the day that we were going to tell our friends about us dating. That also means that we can't do any coupley stuff until after we tell everyone all together.

"Ok well we better get going if we don't want to be late," She started to walk away but I grabbed her hand and kissed her, not for too long though. My mom was watching, gotta keep it PG.

She pulled away first, "Ok that's enough, time to go," she laughed.

"Aw just one more? I can't wait until lunch! Pleeeeeassseee?" I gave my best baby seal eyes ever.

She rolled her eyes and gave me a quick peck then pulled my arm and lead me out the door.

"Robbed!" I pouted.

"Bye Sally!" Annabeth called over her shoulder.

*time skip to arriving at school*

When we walked in to the school I spotted our group of friends all hanging around my locker. Seeming to remember out plan Annabeth dropped my hand as we walked over to where everyone was gathered.

"Hey everyone!" I greeted.

They all started bombarding me with hugs and questions. Piper playfully smacked my arm and scolded me for scaring everyone.

"Miss me much?" I said.

We all started talking about what I missed and before we knew it the bell was ringing, signalling we all had to get to class. Luckily, I had first period with Annabeth. We sat beside each other and it was so hard not to just reach out and grab her hand.

Another thing happened though, I looked around the room and caught eyes with that weird guy Luke. He was glaring at me and Annabeth. I'd like to think of myself as a pretty chill and not jealous person, but something about this guy rubs me the wrong way.

Annabeth sensed me tensing up and put a hand on my leg underneath the table, sending me a concerned and confused look. I whispered 'later' and she nodded in understanding.

I have you, you have me - NEIGHBORS (percabeth au)Where stories live. Discover now