A Day at Goode

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Percys POV

    "Night, Wise Girl," I said walking backwards down Annabeths porch steps.

    "Goodnight Percy, I'll see you tomorrow," she replied walking inside and closing the door behind her.

    I walk back to my house with a grin on my face. I'm not really sure why, but whatever. I mean, Annabeth is really nice and smart and pretty...uh oh.

    I open the front door to find all of the lights off and no one in the living room. I'm just guessing because it's too quiet that Smelly Gabe isn't home. I wasn't even gone for more than 5 minutes so my mom couldn't have gone to sleep in that time.

    "Mom?" I call into the darkness.

    Suddenly a lamp turns on in the corner and my mom is sitting there eyeing me. I jump a bit because she was so dam quiet I didn't even hear her.

    "Gods Mom, you scared me," I said.

    "I'm sorry Percy, I just felt like being dramatic," she stated. "So...did you ask her out?"

    "What!? Mom, No! She's just a new friend," I said crossing my arms over my chest and fighting off a Mega-Blush.

    "Mmhmm, ok. I believe you. But let me ask you this." She narrowed her eyes. "Did you or did you not ask for her number."

    Dang she caught me. "Yes..."

    "Ah-ha! I knew it. Looks like someone has a new crush," my mom said.

    "Oh my gods Mom it isn't like that! Annabeth is just a new friend I made who lives next door. That's what you wanted, right?" I was just rambling at this point.

    "Okay, okay whatever. Now go on to bed you have school tomorrow," she said.

    I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and ran up the stairs and into my room. I took off my jeans and sweatshirt and changed into a t-shirt and shorts. I lay in my bed thinking about Annabeth. Did I have a crush on her? Maybe. But nothing could ever happen anyways because if she found out all of the things that Gabe did to me, I doubt she would want to be my friend. And besides, she's too good for me, I wouldn't want to hurt her. Although, I still fell asleep with the image of a certain blonde in my head and those beautiful stormy grey eyes.

*time skip to the next morning*


    Who knows how long that's been going off. I'm good at ignoring it. I only wake up when my mother calls me, but she didn't this time. That means she must be at work, which also means Gabe will be here. With me...alone.

    I drag myself out of bed and throw on my swim team hoodie along with a pair of faded black jeans. The house is pretty quiet, except for the loud snoring sound of my step-father sleeping on the couch. Well at least he is asleep, I thought.

    I was hastily making my breakfast because if I didn't go fast I'd be late for school. This was mistake number one. A big mistake because in my rush-mode, I managed to drop a glass onto the floor, it made a big clashing sound and shattered glass littered the floor.

    Gabe jerked awake and came barreling into the kitchen.

    "What the hell happened here?!" He shouted.

    "I'll so sorry, I'll c-clean it up," I stuttered, bending down to pick up the big pieces.

    "You better, and while you're down there..." he wavered and all of a sudden I felt shooting pains on the side of my torso.

I have you, you have me - NEIGHBORS (percabeth au)Where stories live. Discover now