The Morning

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Percys POV

I woke up to a sleeping Annabeth in my arms. So it wasn't just a dream, I thought. I admired how peaceful she looked in her sleep, but I was still angry about the way her step mother treats her. What's worse is that she actually believes these things are true. I mean, who would ever think that, she's absolutely perfect.

I checked the time on my phone and noticed it was 7 o'clock, which means school starts in one hour. I carefully slipped my arm out from under Annabeth and made my way downstairs. Smelly Gabe was gone to work already so my mom would most likely be making breakfast. Sure enough she was sizzling blue pancakes on the stove.

"Hello, Percy," my mother said. "Sleep well?" She turned around, a cheeky grin on her face.

I felt my face grow hot. It must have been a big shock to check on your 16 year old son in the middle of the night just to find out he is sleeping next to a girl.

    "Look, Mom I'm sorry," I started. "I didn't know what else to do, Annabeth was afraid to go home. And for the record I was going to sleep on the floor but she insisted I shared the bed," I said.

    My mom just looked at me for a second. "Percy I'm only teasing, I know you wouldn't take advantage of her. I trust you enough to make your own decisions," she said, pointing her spatula at me.

    "Thanks, Mom," I said, giving her a hug. She laughed and said, "Okay, now go wake Annabeth up and tell her breakfast is ready."

    I nodded and ran back up the stairs to wake up Annabeth. Right before I turned the doorknob I felt a rush of nervousness flood through my body. I mean, I know that I liked Annabeth, but would she ever even like me back? Probably not, my inner voice spoke. But I tried my best to not think about that.

    I opened the door quietly and sat on the edge of the bed. I slowly started to shake Annabeth trying to get her to wake up, but not enough to startle her.

    "Annabeth, wake up," I whispered, and she stirred a little bit. "Just 5 more minutes, Dad," she mumbled. I laughed a bit and this got her to open her eyes. She looked confused at first, but then she realized where she was and looked at me.

    I could see her face turned a light shade of red. Gods she looks beautiful... I have to stop thinking like that. She's just my friend, nothing more.

    "Morning, Wise Girl. Time for breakfast," I said.

She made a groaning sound and hid her face underneath the blankets.

"Come onnn," I laughed. "We have school today."

After a while of nagging I finally got her out of bed and she went into the bathroom to do, whatever girls do to get ready. She came out of the bathroom still wearing the clothes I gave her the night before.

"I think I might have to go home to get clean clothes," she said, rubbing her eyes. She looks so adorable when she's sleepy, Agh! Stop that, Percy.

"Okay...wait, but when is your dad coming back?" I asked.

"Not until this afternoon, but I'm sure it will be okay," she said. I could tell she was lying.

"Annabeth, I'm not just going to send you to your house where you could potentially get hurt. You can just...borrow one of my hoodies and my mom can lend you some pants," I offered.

She thought for a moment before responding. "If it isn't too much trouble."

I turned away to my dresser to find something suitable when I heard her come up behind me. I turned to face her with a confused expression.

I have you, you have me - NEIGHBORS (percabeth au)Where stories live. Discover now