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He walked out of the canteen, through the hallways where the chattering of students was loud, to the almost empty library room. His one hand held a cup of latte while the other held a strawberry shake. While walking, many students greeted him in many different ways. Some of them winked at him, some shyly waved, some glared, some smiled and some just nodded. He greeted back with a nod only to the ones he was familiar with. Because even if the whole college knew who he was, he didn't knew half of them. Sure, maybe he knew their faces, but he doesn't know their names. He isn't much of a talkative person, isn't an extrovert like his best friend.

Back to the point, right now he is going to the far end of the library where his best friend is sitting legs crossed on the floor with a huge book on his lap. He sat beside him.

His best friend looked up upon noticing the presence and threw his beautiful sunny smile.

"Hey Kookie, I'm almost finished."

That's the first thing his best friend said.

This is the usual thing. Taehyung would spend almost half of the time where he was supposed to be in his class at the library and forget the lunch break. His best friend, Jungkook will come to him with something to eat and scold him about his carelessness.

According to Jungkook, his anger was valid because Taehyung has become skinny. He is too much into these science facts books that he forgets to eat. At home its not that though, because Jungkook makes sure to make him eat something every five hours. But at college, he gets busy with his classes and football. But still, he makes time to get his silly best friend lunch or drinks during the break.

"Right. Here." He says, handing the younger the pink drink.

"Thanks kookie." The younger says, already taking a sip from the drink. Jungkook knows, even if Taehyung doesn't get himself food, he gets hungry once he sees something edible.

"I have practice till five today. Will you be able to go home alone?" He asks.

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows and Jungkook knows what is coming.

"Oh kookie, I told you so many times. I am not a child anymore. Of course I can go alone." Taehyung whined, giving the older boy an accusing stare.

"I know you're not a child Tae, but last time--"

"Its been two years since that last time." He mimicked, making Jungkook huff.

"Fine. Just call me if anything happens. No, call me even if nothing happens. I'll try to go home as soon as possible." He stood up, waving a little at the still seated boy.

Taehyung smiled at him.

"Okay. Do your practice well."


Hey, welcome to my new story.

Its been long since I've written TRY(just two months duh), although i wrote Altered Destiny, but i couldn't seem to get much ideas regarding that story, still i would try to complete that.

This story is what you suppose as your typical best friends to lovers story, just with some twist and angst(i hope) but i am sure you will enjoy this fresh college romance. <3<3

I will try to update as much as possible.

Hope that you will be with me and this book till the end, borahae 💜

And in the meantime, don't forget to stream PTD❤

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