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Jungkook and Taehyung, as every Saturday evenings, were watching Netflix. Pressed against each other, chips and cans of coke(cola) littered on the bed, the laptop on Jungkook's abdomen being the only source of light in the dark room.

As always, Taehyung had laid his head on the older boy's shoulder. Though Taehyung had an assignment to complete which is to be submitted on Tuesday, but who can say no to an evening movie and chips and coke entirely bought by Jungkook.

It was very quiet except from the sound coming from the laptop, making a very peaceful environment for the college kids.


Well not for long it seems.

Jungkook scurried to get his phone from the bedside table, the loud ring making his roommate slightly pout. Who won't? That idiot of a phone had just destroyed the peaceful mood. Anyway, he paused the movie and waited for Jungkook as the mentioned finally answered his phone and stopped the ringing.

"Hello?", Jungkook called out.

There was a pregnant silence for some time which made Taehyung a little bit worried. But then Jungkook sighed out and muttered,

"Fine, I'll be there."

And hanged up.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked him once he turned on the lights in the room and walked to his bed. Ah right, they were watching the movie on Taehyung's bed.

"Yoongi hyung said he wants to talk to me."

"Now? "


Taehyung became a little upset but not for long though.

"Did he say anything else? "

"Nope." Jungkook tied his shoe laces and took his jacket.

"I will go with you. " Taehyung said and immediately got up from the bed.

"I don't think it will be a good idea Tae, hyung said to come alone and not to bring anyone. " Jungkook stopped him from going to the bathroom.

Taehyung looked up at him, taking in his words.

"But he won't mind if it's me right? " He questioned.

Jungkook sighed out,

"He specially said not to bring you Tae. "

Taehyung felt disappointed. He looked down, pouted and oh-ed. Why wouldn't his hyung let him come? He scrunched his eyebrows, trying to think if he did something to annoy Yoongi.

He huffed and rubbed his forehead while glaring at Jungkook when the older flicked his finger there.

"Don't overwork your small brain. He might have some work with me which won't interest you that's why he asked to not bring you. We will continue the movie later or you can watch it while I am gone. Just don't go out alone and call me if anything happens. "

Taehyung huffed and crossed his arms.

"Don't you get tired of telling me the same thing everyday? " He asked.

"Nope." Jungkook replied and walked past him to the door.

Jungkook knocked on Yoongi's apartment door. The apartment was not so big, just a medium sized cozy place with a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and a small living room. Yoongi was just an intern thus he's not capable to own his own apartment so he survived in this rented apartment till he could own one.

When the door opened, Yoongi welcomed him with just a slight uplift of his mouth. Jungkook got inside only to see beer cans lying here and there in the living room.

"Jesus hyung. How much did you drink?" He asked while taking a seat on the worn out couch.

Yoongi took a seat on the floor and took the hold of a can, opening it.

"I am not drunk, emptied only one can before you came. These are for us. "

Jungkook brows lifted at the sudden treat. Yoongi was much or less a broke person. Hence its not everyday that he treats someone beer. Well it's another case that he sometimes treats Jungkook's best friend and his soul mate pastries and milkshakes.

But Jungkook didn't dwell upon it much, took a seat on the floor beside the older, its Sunday tomorrow anyway. He took the can Yoongi handed him.

Taking a sip from it, he sighed in pleasure. It's been quite long since he had beer, some two weeks or three? He don't remember properly. It was Minjun who bought him that time. Don't take him as a free loader though, it's just because of his best friend that his friends had to buy him beer whenever they are out since Taehyung gets angry when the boy wastes money buying these alcohol mixed drinks. Once when Jungkook said that Taehyung was being unfair, that he doesn't scold Yoongi or Namjoon or Minjae or Jin when they drink but only him, Taehyung had shut him up by saying that they weren't his best friend but Jungkook was, he didn't have rights on them but on Jungkook he did.

(Maybe that, but Jungkook knows that Taehyung feels shy to be the only to not be able to drink alcohol or even beer, thus he drags Jungkook with him to drink sparkling water.)

"I have someone whom I like. " Jungkook choked on his drink and coughed wildly. The passage of air to his lungs was blocked. Maybe there was a second where he almost thought he would die.

It took him five minutes to calm down and when he did, he eyed Yoongi.

"God," his voice hoarse because of the cough, "You like someone? "

Yoongi only nodded without looking at him and continued to drink.

Well, Jungkook didn't know what to say. He haven't talked to anyone regarding these things ever so he can't really think what he is supposed to say. But he tried though.

"Congratulations? Who is she anyway? "

"It's not she, it's he. "

"He? " Jungkook got confused.

What does he mean that it's a 'he'? He, means, it's a boy? A man? He's getting it right, right?

"Yeah, he. It's a boy. "

Jungkook finished his drink quickly and took another can, taking a fast sip from it.

"Are you sure hyung? " He asked, only to confirm that Yoongi was not joking.

Yoongi sighed out, and for the first time since they seated, looked at him.

"I am sure kook, it's a boy. A cute boy. "

Jungkook is not homophobic, heck, he didn't even know the meaning of it. It's just, he never thought that a man can love another man too. He never came across anything like that. His friends never talked about it, there is nothing about it on social media too. ( That is because he views only the topic of football and important college infos there.)

He looked at his hyung and bit his lips thinking. Finally, he made up his mind and patted Yoongi's shoulder.

"Hyung, if you are worried about that person being a boy, it's okay. I don't think there's a problem there. Love is love, I understand. " He said.

It's true, even if he might not be too comfortable with the idea, he is not uncomfortable with it. Love is love, key words.

Yoongi chuckled, looked at the younger in slight adoration and amusement.

"Well, thanks for that, but thats not the problem kook. It's far from it. "

And from that tone, Jungkook knows it's really something serious.


You're gonna get some tea in the next chapter, get ready lovelies☕🫐

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