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But one of these things is not like the others

Like a rainbow with all of the colours

Baby doll when it comes to a lover

"I promise that you'll never find another like meeeee~~"

The brunette sang along. He sat on his bed mindlessly going through his twitter feed, waiting for a certain raven haired boy.

Usually, they came home together, and at this time, they would have been in the kitchen, making their dinner. Both of them were not very good chefs, but they could cook the basic edibles. Its mostly Jungkook who cooks though and Taehyung helps him by cutting the vegetables or just sitting on the countertop, making the time less boring for the elder boy.

Saying that, Jungkook was not much elder than Taehyung, just four months, but he literally pampers Taehyung like he's his son. Actually, we can't say that Taehyung isn't at fault here. He is so clumsy, naive, kind and what not, which is why he is often found in rather bad situations. And guess who have to play the role as his knight in shining armour, his best friend Jeon Jungkook.

They became friends when Jungkook came to Daegu, due his father's sudden transfer, and joined the school Taehyung went to in their eleventh. At first they never talked, but as it said, Taehyung is too naive and kind, he was once locked in the storeroom by some of the school's dorks and that is when Jungkook had found him. He was passing by the room when he heard the loud thud of Taehyung falling. Thus, he unlocked and opened the door to find a small boy on the ground, passed out.

Their friendship blossomed after Taehyung's mother found out that Jungkook was the son of her long lost best friend. The meetings between their families started to get more often and the two boys found themselves becoming closer, as friends. And before they graduated, they became best of friends.

Both of their families' financial conditions were good enough, thus when they both got admission in SNU, their parents decided that it would be better if the two boys lived in an apartment rather than at the dorms, and Jungkook being the introvert who loved to be undisturbed and alone most of the time, agreed instantly. 

Now here they are, two best friends living together in an apartment in their last year of college.

Taehyung unplugged his earphones and looked at the boy who just entered the room. 

"You should be careful when I am not home. What if someone broke in while you are here, listening to music with earphones? You didn't even hear me knocking." Jungkook said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed while removing his shoes.

"You are late. I am hungry." 

Taehyung said, disregarding the scolding. It is just too usual, he always gets some kind of soft scolding from the other everyday that he is so used to it. And yes, he doesn't feel bad asking Jungkook to make the dinner even when the older boy did practice overtime, that is because he knows that Jungkook has too much energy than a normal college boy and had himself said and proved that on many occasions.

The older boy rolls his eyes. He pulls out his socks and dumps them in the laundry basket. 

"You couldn't get yourself something to eat while I was away? What will you do without me?" 

The brunette sheepishly smiled, standing on the bed and ruffling the older boy's sweaty, wet hair.

"I won't do anything without you because you will always be there with me." 


Is it a good start?

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