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The Sunday evening finds the five guys, Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon at the cafe.

"Uhmm~~" Taehyung moaned at the blissful taste of his latte. The other four were enjoying their drinks too.

"Today's latte tastes  more delicious, right Tae?" Jimin asked his soulmate after taking a sip from his latte. The younger nodded his head quickly. 

"Maybe yours is good but I don't think it can beat our ice coffee, don't you agree Yoongi?", Namjoon spoke up making Yonngi nod his head. 

Jungkook being the quiet boy he is, continued to drink his macchiato. 

Taehyung pouted. 

"Not fair, kookie is left alone now." He went closer to Jungkook and motioned him to drink his latte. "You join our team kookie. Come on, take a sip and tell me how it tastes." 

The mentioned took a sip from the drink and gave a thumps up, making the soulmates cheer loudly, as if they won the mass voting.

"Yoongi hyung, Jungkook told me that you're feeling lonely these days?" Taehyung questioned after sometime to his hyung who was sitting across of him. Yoongi arched an eyebrow at Jungkook, silently asking him what?

"What? Yoongi is feeling lonely?" Namjoon burst out laughing. 

"Shut up Joon, what's there to laugh? And I am not feeling lonely, just missing college life." 

"Well isn't is sad? I miss college life too." 

"Namjoon hyung, you're still is college." Jimin spoke, arching an eyebrow at him. Namjoon nodded,

"Yeah, but it was more fun during graduation." 

"Tsk, I feel bad for you both, you're getting old.  Already missing the good 'ol days." Jimin teased and laughed, the two youngers joined him. 

"Yeah yeah, make fun of us, not many days left before you guys graduate too. Lets see what you have to say after a year."

The five talked and made fun for some more time until Jimin and Taehyung decided that they should get some pastries. They asked the three others if they wanted too, but they refused. 

Jungkook looked at Yoongi when he saw him staring at where the two soulmates were choosing pastries. He remembered what the older had talked to him about last night. He smiles at the thought, maybe Yoongi really likes him.

"Hey, my professor is calling me. Let me take this real quick." Namjoon mumbled and walked outside leaving the two boys on the table. 

"You didn't tell anyone, right kook?" Yoongi questioned to which the younger responded by the shake of his head.

The older one sighed. 

"Its not like I don't want our friends to know, its just, I need some time." 

"I understand hyung. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Jungkook gave him a small smile. 

"Hyung they had lemon pastry today so I bought one for you too. I know you love it." Taehyung exclaimed as he took his seat beside Jungkook, a pastry in each hand. He handed one  to Yoongi.  

"I didn't want to have any sweet today but okay. Thanks." Yoongi gave him a gummy smile. 

"And kook, this pineapple one is yours, Tae said you're craving it these days." Jimin said. Jungkook turned to Taehyung with a raised eyebrow. 

"I wasn't?" He questioned. Taehyung just gave him a smile and ruffled his hair playfully.

"I know you were. Yesterday you were looking for that pineapple candy in canteen but it wasn't there." 


"Yeah, I am smart." Taehyung sassily crossed his arms and gave a playful smirk to him.

"Where is Joon hyung?" Jimin inquired. 

"He went out to take a call." Yoongi answered his question.

After sometime, Namjoon got back inside and all of them talked and laughed till it was almost seven. 

It was ten past eight when Taehyung and Jungkook reached home. 

"Oh My God, I am so full~~" Taehyung cried out, laying on his bed with a loud thump, giggling afterwards.

"I told you one ice cream was enough, you didn't listen to me." Jungkook complained, putting the shoe that Taehyung carelessly threw, in its proper place. 

The younger boy whined, "Please don't nag at me kookie, after so many days we had a fun day."

"I am not nagging Tae. Just hope you don't get a cold tomorrow." 

"I won't." 

"We'll see." 




"What?" Jungkook sighed, walking towards the younger. Taehyung forwarded his arms, motioning for Jungkook to pull him up to which the older did. 

"Let's watch a movie today, since we didn't watch one last night." 

"Don't think its a good idea Tae, I am very tired." He mumbled, giving a small tired smile to him.

"Aww, my Kookie, you're tired? Okay, no movie tonight. How about I cuddle you and massage your scalp while you sleep?" Taehyung cooed, standing on the bed and hugging Jungkook's head, giving a small kiss on the top after. Jungkook chuckled at the drama, but nodded nonetheless. 

"That will be perfect I guess."

And after the both changed into some comfortable clothes, Taehyung made Jungkook rest his head on his shoulder and just like he promised, massaged his scalp slowly and lovingly till Jungkook got lost in his dreamland.


Hey, I am back! 

Well sorry for taking soooooooo long to update but i had some things to do. I know its almost like, one month but yeah, bear with me please? I will try to update more now since my exams are over and all that. 

And i don't know why, but i feel like my writing is very plain now, maybe because i wrote after a while. Hope it gets interesting later~


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