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When Jungkook woke up the next morning, he rushed out of the older's apartment.

Well, he didn't infrom Taehyung the previous night that he was going to stay at Yoongi's. He didn't plan on staying actually, it's just they talked so much, or rather, Yoongi talked that they didn't had any idea about the time. Maybe it was three or four o'clock when they slept, being little tipsy.

The sight he got on reaching home was, well, adorable. Taehyung was out on the couch with one leg dangling off of it. He was hugging a pillow and there was a silver spoon on the couch near his arm. A half-emptied ramen cup and round glasses on the table too. Atleast he managed to put off his glasses before sleeping.

Jungkook didn't wake him up, but cleaned whatever was out of place in the house, including the ramen cup and spoon, took a long shower, got himself some cereals and took a seat on the floor beside the couch, going through his phone, looking if there were any notice regarding college or football.

It was nearly half past eight when Taehyung stretched his limbs and let out a long yawn, an hour after Jungkook reached home.

When Taehyung was fully awake with the glasses on their proper place and the fluffy bed hair on his head, only then he noticed Jungkook. The older had been going through his phone when the younger took it out of his hands.

Jungkook sighed, without giving much response to the obvious glare the other was giving him.

"Don't you think you have some explaining to do? " Taehyung asked, narrowing his eyes even more.

"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry. Now give my back my phone. " The other guy replied, extending his hand out.

But Taehyung only hid the phone behind his back.

"Only that much? " He asked.

Jungkook huffed. Both of them rarely go for a night out and it's not everyday that he forgets to inform Taehyung that he would not get back home for the night. But whenever it happens, it's always in different ways that Taehyung makes Jungkook pay for his forgetfulness.

"Oh God! We both were a little tipsy and didn't know when the morning came so I couldn't text or call you. Sorry. "

Taehyung's mouth flew open at that.

"You drank? "

"Don't look at me as if I had drugs Tae. "

He barely dodged the pillow Taehyung threw his way.

"It's the same. "

"Tae, it's not everyday that Yoongi hyung treats me beer. "

Taehyung rolled his eyes at him and threw him the phone which he managed to catch.

"Whatever, I am not restricting you or anything. Just inform me if you are not coming home or something, atleast I wouldn't have to wait for you. " He mumbled.

"You didn't have to wait for me. You could've just slept in the bedroom. I have spare keys anyway. "

Taehyung looked at him annoyed. As if trying to say, I have waited the whole night for you and this is how you treat me.

"Yeah yeah, I won't wait for you next time. Uh oh, why did hyung call you though? It's not only to drink right? "

He asked in a curious voice, looking at Jungkook expectantly.

But Jungkook, he panicked a little thinking about the things Yoongi told him last night. All the things he listened to from the early evening to the late hours of night. He himself don't know how to make out of all those and telling Taehyung? He don't know if he should.

"Well yeah.. " He tried to make up some excuses, " He wanted to drink and talk about something. "

"What did he want to talk about? " Taehyung pressed.

"He said he was feeling lonely these days and just wanted to vent out some things to someone so, yeah. "

"Oh." The younger whispered, looking down, seemingly lost in thoughts. And suddenly,

"I have a plan. I think we should have lunch or something together, all our friends, today. It's Sunday anyway and Yoongi hyung will feel less lonely. " He stood from the couch and showed a proud smile to Jungkook.

But it only made Jungkook nervous, for many things.

"I don't think it's a good idea Tae. He is busy with his works and Namjoon hyung says he has some important exams too and the others, they might be busy as well. "

"It that? " Taehyung asked him and in the next moment, took his phone and opened it.

"Let me ask them then. "

Well, it's no surprise that no one would say no to Taehyung and besides, nobody was busy like Jungkook said.


Hey hey purples, how are you? 💜

Hope you are good and enjoying the book. I am really trying to make it as interesting as possible and believe me, there will be many twists and turns in this story.

And well, I have a news. A good news I guess...

I got my twelfth grade's final results yesterday and guess what, I got 87.6% and above eighty in all the subjects🍒🫐 *(^o^)/* . I am so so happy because I was really nervous about physics and chemistry yet I could atleast get that much. I know that eighty seven percent is not much for most people but for me, I am satisfied with it.

And the best part, I will be going to college, to a new place, towards my dream. So yeah, I am very happy. ((o(*>ω<*)o))

Well, sorry for bringing this in the book but I JUST COULDN'T CONTROL, YOU KNOW. I wanted to let you know how happy I am. ✨💘🥺*(^o^)/*

Anyway, hope you live your dreams and wishes too and lead a happy, successful life.(and also, hope we get a taekook subunit🤭)


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