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There were many similarities between Yoongi and Jungkook. They were both indifferent, cold, quiet, strong and dangerous when they want to be. And also, they were hella protective of Taehyung. The only difference was that, Jungkook was an active athlete while Yoongi was a lazy person who gets angry if his sleep is disturbed by someone who is not Taehyung or Jimin.

Speaking of Jimin,

"Jiminieeee~~~" The said boy was startled when a weight landed on his back making him bend forward. 

RIP his lemon juice which was now splattered on the ground. He didn't even had a sip from it. He clenched his teeth and unwind the arms of the person from his neck. Turning around, he glared at the person with his arms crossed.

"What?" He said, making it seem like he is mad. He really is mad though, but who can remain angry after getting a sight of the blinding smile of Taehyung?

Unbothered by the tone, Taehyung smiled wider and held a paper in front of Jimin's face.

"See, I won the online cosmic quiz competition I told you about. They sent me my certificate by email earlier."

Yeah. The literal Science nerd.

"Oh my God, really? I am so proud of you Tae." The lemon juice and the pervious anger long forgotten, Jimin lifted his friend in the air and twirled around. 

Even though that competition was just like drinking water for someone as smart as Taehyung, there is some kind of happiness in this, that someone you really care is sharing their happiness with you.

After twirling them enough, Taehyung's feet landed on the ground and his older friend held his shoulders and said,

"Since you won this, give me a treat. I've been dreading to eat that new raspberry cupcake for quite sometime." 

"Sure, just let me---" 

"Only the TWO of us. You can celebrate with that muscle pig later on, let me have my soulmate for at least a while." Jimin whined. 

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his childish behaviour.

"Ok fine. You should feel lucky that I shared this news with you first, hmph." He sassed and ran away laughing when Jimin gaped and lunged towards him.

"You brat, how dare you roll your eyes at me. I want three more cupcakes now or you're dead..." 

Taehyung met Jimin when they were fresh in college. The older was sitting in a corner when Taehyung saw him in their literature class. Jungkook took business instead of literature thus Taehyung didn't know anyone from that class. Hence, he took the empty seat beside the boy, they talked a little and then their friendship started from there. Now, after almost three years of being friends, they call themselves soulmates. 

They are very similar to each other and maybe that's the reason they immediately clicked. For Taehyung though, there was a very serious problem. And you're right, Jimin and Jungkook always bicker for even minute things. Usually Jungkook doesn't speak much, but when Jimin speaks, it seemed like someone else's tongue had possessed him. They would keep bickering back and forth to the point where sometimes, Taehyung had to scream in order to stop them.

It wasn't like that in the beginning, but one day during lunch when Jimin casually brought up the fact that Jungkook never calls him hyung, that's when it started. Let's properly see how it happened.

"Kook, I am almost a year older than you but you never call me hyung. Even Taehyungie calls me hyung sometimes but you never do." He pouted, slurping the noodles.

"I really wanna hear you call me hyung." He exclaimed with almost a creepy shine in his eyes.

Like the usual indifferent person, Jungkook simply replied.

"Sorry Jimin, but neither you look nor you act as someone older than me so no, I won't call you hyung." He bit a piece of Taehyung's apple. 

But oh boy, did he hit the most sensitive topic in Jimin's entire livelihood, who stood up and hit the table with his palm making everyone startled.  

"How dare you say that you brat. You should know how to respect your elders. You can't just insult them or their looks as if you're not a stupid bunny looking kid whom Taehyung have to take care of." 

Jungkook narrowed his eyes and repeated what Jimin did, startling everyone again.

"Its me who takes care of Taehyung understand? And who are you calling a stupid bunny looking kid, you dwarf." He snarled. 

Many more insults where thrown by the two towards each other and they calmed only when the Senior students told them to shut up. They still wouldn't have though, if it wasn't for their friend Namjoon who was in the students council.

But the fire(real) that they had against eachother then was still present after all these years.

Bickering aside, Jimin was a really good friend to both of them, though he might never show that to Jungkook.

And then there was Yoongi, who had became a 'hero' for Jimin. There's nothing much, really, it's just that the younger boy finds the guy very attractive and...cute(in his own words) but anyway, their whole friend group, except Jungkook, knows about Jimin's massive crush on the older.

Taehyung always encourages Jimin go confess his feelings to Yoongi when they have their monthly gathering. He warns him that now as Yoongi is an intern in a company, girls and boys would try to hit on him.

Once, the words were just at the tip of his tongue, but when he saw Yoongi, he melted like a puddle, face becoming comically red and Taehyung shaking his head in disappointment.

But Jimin never loses hope. He is sure that one day he would gather enough courage and confess the other boy on one knee with a diamond ring in his hand, six violins playing a soft tune in the background with hundreds of flowers surrounding them.

Okay, he might have exaggerated a little, but he is really willing to marry the cute cat looking man one day, if the other accepts him that is.


How many of you love the cute, fluffy chemistry of Yoonmin? 🥺

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