Chapter 1

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Hey loves I hope you enjoy this💓 it's slow🌝 but it's worth It ok bye:)

Anything written in italics= Events of 12 years ago where both you and tom are 13 <3

The ground was warm, the grass welcoming. It glittered in the little sunlight that came from the pink, crimson heavens. Layers of blue and silky pink filled the sky, the clouds floated heavenly in the air, calm and relaxed. The sun was setting, ready to conceal itself and show its old friend the way. The moon was soon to get its chance to show its light, but for now the sun was diving in the process. The air was comforting, warm but fresh. The grass felt smooth under my skin and my lips forming a slight smile. A brown haired boy sat next to me, crossing his legs and looking straight ahead at the sun set. He watched the sun hide and u watched his lips flicker into a smile.
His warm body was a few inches away from mine but gave me unknown, unlabelled comfort.
It was Tom.
He was the Holland's oldest son. 13 years old, a few months older then me. His deep dark brown eyes were astounding, his curly soft brunette hair was comforting. He had a slim figure, his lips thin but his smile wide.
I had only known him for a few hours after he had arrived with his family and younger brothers, but he was friendly, open and welcoming.
I liked him. As a 13 year old who could easily fall in love. I liked him.
And here I was. Sitting on the same field, the same warm grass, the same comforting air and the same distant phenomenal sunset occurring right before my gullible eyes. My head resting on my knees, my light, flowy summer dress floating at its ends, hovering over the ground. A snug wind passing a breeze through my tan cheekbones. My slippers lying somewhere else on the field and my toes buried into the grass, scrubbing it gently on my damp skin.

Life in the countryside was not always so cosy. But the perks of sitting in our house field and watching the sun set had its own place. I was alone, the cows mooed at the back, the sheeps baaed and the leaves rustled in the wind.

My parents were inside, preparing dinner for a distant family. My mother had known a woman from a young age, they weren't related too closely but always found love for each-other. She had 4 sons, all of which I had met when I was young, as a 13 year old. I didn't remember all of them so well, their names although were fresh in my mind. But there was one I never forgot.

The Holland's were supposed to arrive any minute now, it was noon and they couldn't have been late. I was excited. Excited to see them again. Excited to see little 4 year old paddy grow into a teen, see Harry and Sam into adults and Tom. To see Tom.....again.

My mind flooded with assumptions of what they looked like now. Paddy didn't seem to have hair then so I suppose it might be red like Aunt Niki's or Brunette like his oldest brother. What about Harry and Sam? Are they still as attached as they were as children? Or are they now distant? I was curious to know what things and talents they now have. I was just excited.

The wind continued to flow until I heard a honk from near the house. I looked back and saw a new red car next to our old blue one. Our blue car was ancient and dingy, it had marks of rusts and dents from the times I had tried to drive it. I few scratches filled its back from the various wood animals that tried to come towards it. Like I said, living in the country side wasn't easy.

But next to it was a red one, it was shiny, didn't have a roof, but not only that but also no scratches, no dents, no rust or dirt. It was new, and glimmered in the little bit of noon light. I saw two people sitting on their respective front seats, and four of them crammed into the back. The door opened and a woman with black sunshades came out, Aunt Niki.
I saw two people come out from the other side, but I was unable to see from this distance, a tree blocked the view.

I ran towards the house, ignoring the cows and sheeps at once and making my way into the house through the back door. It shut with a loud bang but I showed no notice of it. I quickly ran up the wooden stairs to brush my hair after a long day in the field.

I came down much more presentable then I did before and stood at the front door waiting for the Holland's to come in. My stomach churned, my heart started pounding, why? I don't know. But I knew I was excited.

Excited to see the Holland's after 12 years.

To see him.

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