Chapter 2

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My heart pounded, my liver coming up to my neck. My stomach took a swing on its own, playing about in the little space it had inside my body. My hair was flying in different directions, although I had just brushed it. Some mud was left on my toes, but I didn't have the time or energy to clean that off after a normal day in the field.
I was standing at the front door, waiting for them to come in. I heard my mum's voice coming from behind the door, it was a dissolution of excitement and happiness. That made me happy. Seeing someone I loved made me happy.

A light cold mist flew through the open sides of the door, the little light illuminating the floor. I sighed, my heart still taking its occasional leaps. It came running to my head once I heard his voice. Tom's voice. I heard a few following laughs and unconsciously, even though I had no idea what he said, I giggled.

In the midst of giggling I heard the door knob turn. It had a scratched shiny silver surface, dull and not lightened by the light. Suddenly the dancing, churning, building and anticipation of what was behind that door welcomed itself back in. The door knob was pushed, my eyes fixated on its glossy surface, and soon the door opened. Behind it was my mum. She had a smug smile on her soft face and she moved aside to let me greet the Holland's. Dad came in and behind him stood Uncle Dom, I hugged him and let out a soft voice of "Hello! How are you?" He smiled and hugged me back in response letting out a "Great! How about you?" By that time I had moved on to Aunt Niki, who I hugged for a longer time, "I've missed you!" I slightly whispered over her squeezing my body.

Then came the boys. Harry and Sam were walking together and I hugged them both at the same time, muttering something about how they still hadn't changed . Paddy was the longest hug, I squeezed him as hard as I could and ruffled his hair. He scrunched his nose, but I proceeded to say "Ah you were so young when I last met you, you've grown so much!" He gave out a light giggle and continued to go inside.

And then there was Tom.

He had the same brown eyes, the same brunette hair. His charm was still present to anyone around him, his presence was vivid and his smile was bright. He hadn't changed. 12 years and he hadn't changed.

"Hey." He said, his hands in his pockets, looking up at me with his eyes giving a glint of excitement as well. He looked up at me with anticipation, nervousness, happiness. All the things I was feeling.

"Hey." I replied back, the same soft tone as his, the same shyness he had, the same love he had.
"You l-look great." I stuttered still reluctant to what I was saying.
"Thanks." He replied back giggling, that charm still vividly present. "You too."

I smiled and loosely opened my arms to go in for a hug. Tom however was going for a hand shake. (If this isn't sexual tension then I don't know what is😌) I awkwardly wrapped my arms around him, and he quickly changed from his put out hand into a hug. I giggled at the thought and muttered out, "Haven't changed have you Holland."

"Neither have you y/l."
"TOM!" I said, making it come out more threatening then I intended to. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I stared blankly at a guilty 13 year old Tom licking his cookie dough covered hands.
"What?" He questioned still proceeding to lick whatever sweet that was left on his fingers. (Its finger lickin good;)) ok bye)
"YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO EAT THAT, WE'RE BAKING THAT!" I loudly threatened him, I walked over to the other side of the kitchen counter and grabbed his wrist making him walk up to the sink. "Now clean your hands," I softly ordered him, pointing at the sink in front of him.
"I''m cleaning it look-" He raised his hands up to his lips but I held both of his hands just in time before he could lick any more cookie dough off. This particular Saturday me and Tom were baking, or at least 'trying' to bake cookies for our parents and baby paddy. Sam and Harry had eaten enough dirt from the farm that day so we inferred they didn't need any.

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