Chapter 8

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"So when's the last time you guys had sex?"
"Harry for fuck's sake it's the morning!" Sam snapped at him, rolling his eyes and continuing with his cereal.
I let out a low chuckle as I shook my head at Harry who was sitting across from me stuffing bacon down his face.
"4 months ago." Paddy answered as he finished his muffin.
"Same girl?" Harry asked clearly invested in the conversation.
"Same girl." 😌 He answered back.
"A year." I answered truthfully as I took a spoon full of oatmeal.
"A YEAR?!" Sam and Harry exclaimed at the same time with horrified expressions on their face.
"No way." Sam said.
"That's really sad." Harry claimed.
"You need to get a better sex life y/n." Tom joined in who was sitting right next to me while eating his own scrambled eggs.
"Oh really?" I challenged him dropping my spoon in the bowl and raising my eyebrows at him.
"A year is a long time, just saying." He said not once breaking eye contact and carrying on with his eggs.
"Ok, what about you?" I asked him crossing my arms.
He dropped his spoon on his fork and turned not only his head but his whole body towards me. "5 months." He said proudly.
"Bro paddy has a better sex life then you." Sam said laughing to himself with Harry.
"Keep me out of this." Paddy said getting up from the table and taking his bowl to the sink.

I chuckled as I watched him leave continuing with my breakfast.
"It's still better then y/n."
I raised my eyebrows at him again and smirked.

"It's better then seducing a girl in the middle of a pool."
I pulled on a black hoodie with black shorts that barely covered my thighs, pairing it all with the same coloured sneakers. I let my hair open, making me feel loose and free. I put my hands in my hoodie pockets and walked out the back door that led to the farm.
I saw Harry, Sam and Paddy out in the field playing with the cows as paddy ran away from one of them while the other two tried to milk them. I chuckled at the scene in front of me and walked up to them looking around for Tom.
"HEY!" I yelled a few feet away from them waving vigorously in the air.
"HEY!" Harry and Sam yelled back both waving their hands in the air while paddy struggled with the cow that was now chasing him.
"WHAT ARE YOU UP TO?" I asked still yelling.
"WE'RE MILKING THE COWS!" Harry bellowed back as Sam went back to milking the cows.
"HE'S IN THE SHED!" Harry said pointing to the shed that rested on the green grass. It was old and dingy, the wood with a rough red paint and white lines along the sides of the door.

I raised my eyebrows at the shed, it was like our house attic, we stored old antique pieces down there. What was Tom doing there?

"OKAY THANK YOU! GOOD LUCK WITH THE COWS!" I told Harry and headed towards the shed as soon as I got a thumbs up from both him and Sam.

I walked to the shed looking at its rusty wooden walls. I looked towards the door and saw that it was slightly open. I looked between the small expansion and saw Tom sitting on the dusty brown couch that was placed untidily in the middle of the place. His face was the other way and his eyes closed as he held a guitar in his hand.

His hand was holding the guitar, playing with its strings as he sang to its beat.

Cause we were just kids when we fell in love.
Not knowing what it was.

I smiled as I saw him freely sing to the music by the guitar. I peered through the crack and pressed my ear against the wall right next to the opened door, humming to the song.

I will not give you up this time.

My heart sank, it began to bring itself back up as I began to open the door to hear the song better.
The door creaked loudly and my body gave a jolt as I realised that Tom stopped and turned his head to look at what made the sound.
I closed my eyes in frustration and smiled as soon as I opened them.
"Hey." I said ignoring what had happened and walked into the shed.
"Hey." He said smiling at me. I sat next to him beaming up at him and the guitar.
"What are you doing?" I asked looking around the room.
"Oh I uh didn't want to spend time with the cows so I decided to come here. Found this guitar." He finished looking down at the guitar on his laps.
I smiled at him and admired the guitar, "This was my grand dad's." I said tracing the carvings on the guitar. "He gave it to my dad on his 18th Birthday."
"That explains the 'Love Daddy' on the back of it."
I let out a laugh and Tom joined in as we chuckled at his comment.
"I also happened to find this." Tom continued after the laughter died out, he reached to the side of the couch and picked up a necklace with withered roses and a frayed string.
I gasped as he handed me the necklace.

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