part 31

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all started when I was 15

Soon this pain become pleasure for me.

I was at peace when I used to harm myself.

I really thought I'm a curse...a bad curse, a demon who don't deserve any love and should be punished brutally for destroying people's life.

I loved the idea of hurting myself.

All these thoughts were running over Manik's mind again and again. His hands were bleeding, every single thing in the room was broken and his eyes were blood shot red. Tears were continuasly flowing from his eyes,he abruptly stood up and smashed his hands again on already broken mirror. This time glass peices pierced deep inside his hand but this was pain was lot lesser than what his heart was going through.

Before he could again hurt himself he heard a loud voice. He turned back and saw karan standing there,his eyes too were shedding tears without any mercy.

Karan-(shouting) papa

Saying this he ran inside and made Manik sit on one clear place where there were no glass or anything which can harm the duo.

Karan-(holding Manik's hand) what were you doing papa? How can you do this haan? You didn't think about maa,me aarav myrah or anyone of us?

Last line angered manik, he immediately hold Karan's shoulder and said rather shout.

Manik(angrily shouting)- and what about you haan? How can you harm yourself this brutally? How can U literally burn yourself? You didn't think about me? Or your ma? Or your favourite sister? Or your buddy? You are asking me how can I do this, what about you haan? Do you have any idea how much pain I'm going through? All this...all this is cause of me. I thought I'm protecting you keeping you away from me but I only become the reason of your miseries. I'm such a bad father....such a bad father. I don't even fucking deserve to be called a father. I thought I'm saving you from death but because of me only you died thousands of death Every damnn day. I Snatched your childhood,your teenage...I...I... snatched it.

By the end he was crying bitterly hiding his face in his hands whereas karan let him cry. He knew how important it is for him to let all these things out. He had no one with whom he can share his thoughts...this is the main reason he is like this today, cause he never get any chance to let someone know about his true feelings...but he was sure he won't let the same happened to his dad. Parents always tries to protect their kids but this time he is going to protect his dad from all the pain. When everyone was hugging him earlier he realised Manik is not there, he excused himself and ran towards his room to see his worst fear becoming true. Everyone else too thought of giving father son space so they can sort out and hence decided to not disturbed them.

Karan grabbed first aid box and hold Manik's hand and Start putting oinment on it. Manik was just looking at him all the time.

Karan-(putting bandage)- bad you harm you know from where I got these genes? Earlier I didn't know you love me..I really thought I'm just a burden that's why I used to harm myself...but since the time I know about everything I never did that again cause I knew I too have a family which I have to look after but what did you do? Even after knowing how much we love you , you gave yourself punishment like this? You didn't had any single idea... tell me this...if you knew about my self harm would you have still left me alone? Hmm?

Manik who was looking at his almost 18 yrs old son explaining him about current circumstances immediately nodded in no after hearing his question. If he would had even a  slightest about this, he wouldn't have left him alone even for a second.

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