part 50

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It was lunch time. Nandini was sitting in her cabin when someone knocked.

Nandini- (engrossed in her file) come in

Mukti peeked inside and said-bhabhi?

Nandini-(looking up) ohh, mukti...come inside.

Mukti came and sat Infront of nandini. She was fidgeting with her fingers in pure nervousness.

Nandini-(blankly) I don't have full day Mukti, tell me what is it and leave please.

Mukti-(tearly) bhabhi please don't say like this... please...I know I did very wrong and I'm seriously guilty about it.

Nandini-(sighing)Mukti, neither your guilt will change anything nor I trust you anymore.

Mukti-(sobbing) I know and you shouldn't. I was living with same mindset that you and Bhai don't care about me anymore till yesterday. But tomorrow, when Varun came to me, I realised how wrong I did with all of you and how you all payed heavy price for that.

Nandini-(confusingly) Varun? What did he said?

Mukti-yesterday I was coming back from dhruliya's room at night when I met him on the way. He was going... ignoring me but when I stopped him he burst on me.


Varun-(irritatingly) what is it Mrs Vardhan?

Mukti-( shockingly) Varun?

Varun- (snapping) what? Don't start your drama how you are my mom and how I should be good with you and blah blah. Do you have any idea what all of us are going through? You get influence by those creeps and did wrong with your own family? Seriously Mom? And you still haven't learned the lesson. You can't see how they are playing with you and using their own daughter and you? They are evil, mom and they are making you the same and worst part is you are becoming one.
Tell me this, how will you feel if someone will try to take me away from you? How will you feel if because of someone, your unborn child dies? How will you feel when I will get punished just because I'm illegitimate? When it's not even my fault.

Mukti- Varun. Stop it... don't say like this please.

Varun-(crying) why mom? You can't imagine me going through all these things and you made Karan go through all this? How will you feel ma when that someone turns out to be your own family member? Agree, that time manik uncle tried to suicide, but it wasn't because of karan maa, it was because of soha. You saw how devastated he was before Karan but you never saw how both manik uncle and Nandini aunty were so happy after getting Karan? You didn't saw how karan,aarav were his life? They loved their kids equally maa. Always.

You thinks they backstabbed you? What about how aarav fall down cause of me you blamed their  son only? You didn't do that to throw karan out mom, you do that to save me. You was the one who first took advantage of your Bhai's love and trust.

Please mom, please control yourself before things get too ugly. You don't have any idea how me and dad feels whenever we see you doing these nasty things. We hate you mom, we hate you!

Saying this Varun ran from there while Mukti fall on floor crying hard. It was a reality check for her. A tight slap on her face by her own son.

Flashback ends

By the end Mukti was crying bitterly, even Nandini had tears. She got up and hugged mukti.

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