Chapter Eighteen

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~~Gaius's POV~~

The morning sunlight makes its way into my chamber, making the room light up.

I fold the letter and mark its seal onto it. I should give this out to Henry to deliver as soon as possible. Hunith being here will be good for Merlin. Watching over a young boy with magical abilities is difficult. Hunith did it until Merlin was eighteen summers. And Merlin needs his mother.

Just as I'm about to open the door, it swings open to reveal Arthur and Hunith, who is holding a sleeping Merlin.

"Gaius! We found-"

"Hunith! What are you doing here?"

"Gaius. It's so great to see you again. How have you been?"

"I've been good. Well, as good as you can be with having to watch Merlin all day."

She chuckles as she walks more into the room.

"Of course."

As she passes me by, I notice something shimmer out of the corner of my eye on Hunith's neck.

"Hunith. What's that on your neck?"

A look of fear spreads her face but for only a moment. If I wasn't looking for it, I wouldn't have noticed it.

"Oh, this silly old thing?"

She pulls out this silver chain with a pendant at the bottom. A necklace that would've been invisible if it weren't for Merlin's sleeping body pulling part of her shirt down.

"A woman was traveling past Ealdor and offered me this necklace in return for shelter and food. I've worn it since then. It was a very gracious gift."

"You don't mind if I touch it, would you? I don't think I've seen a necklace as beautiful. Well, maybe once or twice. But never on a woman like you."

"Of course, Gaius. Just be careful not to pull too hard. I wouldn't want anything to happen to it."

I rub my thumb over the pendant and feel its power. What an interesting gift.

"It's lovely. Why don't you take Merlin to his room and I'll let you sleep in the cot. You've must be exhausted from your journey here."

Gratitude shines on Hunith's face.

"Thank you, Gaius. You're kindness never fails to amaze me."

She turns to Arthur.

"Thank you again for watching over my son. He cares for you deeply and I know you do for him."

A pink tint covers Arthur's face as he awkwardly coughs.

"Right. Yes. Well, Merlin is a trusted friend and even though he is a terrible, no seriously, the worst manservant I have ever had, I wouldn't trade him for a delicious mornin- well um, I would trade him for his delicious homemade soup."

Hunith does a soft laugh before heading up to Merlin's room. I turn to head out the door.

"Gaius? Where are you going at this time?"

I hold up the letter in my hand, covering to whom it would be delivered to.

"I need to bring this Henry so he may deliver this as soon as possible."

Curiously covers Arthur's face. He's almost as worse as Merlin.

"Who is it for?"

"An old friend."

~~Mordred's POV~~

I pace around the camp sight, trying to find anything to keep my mind busy. Morgana should be back soon with news.

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