Chapter Six

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~~Arthur's POV~~

"So, you're telling me that if I drink this, this potion, my um, my situation will be cured?"

"Yes, sire. Drinking this will cure your situation. Though, you could feel a little weak afterwards, nothing serious though."

"Okay. Thank you Gaius. I'll be sure to take it easy."

In one gulp, I down the potion. Ugh. That's two of Gaius's disgusting potions I've drunken today. Hopefully, I won't be drinking anymore potions today.  

"Ugh. You need to work on the taste on your potions. They taste disgusting."

"Well, I'm sorry I want working potions then nice, tasting potions." 

Ouch. I guess I see where Merlin partially gets it from. 

"You're right. I'm sorry. Thank you again."

"Anytime sire."

I wonder if I should ask Gaius about the one thing bugging my mind since this afternoon. 

"Gaius. Where is Merlin?"

I can see Gaius take in a sharp breath and look at me dead in the eye. 

"As I said before, he is picking herbs for me. He needed some time outside of the castle."

That's a lie. Well, a partial lie. There's definitely something Gaius isn't telling me. 

"Well, tell Merlin to come to my chambers when he gets back immediately. Have a good day Gaius."

"You too sire."

I turn around and leave the room. How can I ever admit to anybody that I don't know what I can do without seeing his goofy smile or listen to his name calling or looking into his bright blue -

No. I cannot let myself think like that. Merlin is my friend. And he is also my servant. If he wants to resign, he is going to have to try a lot harder then writing a stupid letter. 


I look up to see Gwaine standing there.

"My apologies Sir Gwaine. I didn't see you there."

"Of course you didn't princess."

I roll my eyes.

"You know you shouldn't address the crowned prince in that kind of matter. I could have you put into the stocks for that."

"Awe. Don't be like that. Only Merlin allow to give you special names?"

I can feel my cheeks reddening slightly. 

"Merlin is a terrible manservant who doesn't listen to a word I say anyways."

"Okay. If Merlin is such a terrible manservant, then why don't you fire him?"

"Gwaine, isn't there a tankard of mead calling your name somewhere?"

Gwaine completely ignores me and continues onto the Merlin subject.

"You know princess, I have been wanting a servant for myself for a while now. Since Merls is such a terrible servant to you, why don't you let me take him off your shoulders for you? He's my best friend anyways, so it will work out perfectly!"

What? First off, Merlin is my best friend. Secondly, Merlin will be my manservant for as long as I'm alive. 

"I'm sorry Gwaine, but Merlin is my manservant and he shall remain that way until I say otherwise."

Gwaine then has the audacity to give me a crooked smile.

"That's funny since I saw Merls a little while ago and he said he resigned."

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