Chapter Eight

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~~Arthur's POV~~


Hearing my manservant's name, I look back, only to see an empty horse.

Where's Merlin?

I look at the ground, to see Merlin laying there, unconscious. He seriously needs more sleep.

"And Merlin yet again falls asleep on his horse."

I jump off my horse and begin to walk over to Merlin.

"Now, Merlin. Time to-"

"Now princess, let's talk this out."

Looking over, I see Gwaine jump off his horse and walk towards me.

"What are you talking about? We have a days ride until we get there. We can't stop now."

As I reach Merlin, Gwaine stands in front of me, forming a barrier between me and Merlin.

"Gwaine, move."

"I'm sorry princess, I can't do that."

"And why is that?"

"Merlin got no sleep. He's tied. I can carry him on my horse and tie his horse to trot along."

Ugh. Merlin, this is becoming a pattern with you.

"I'll take Merlin, my horse is larger. You tie his horse to yours."

Gwaine gives me a grin and turns to Merlin's horse. I walk forwards and pick up Merlin, carrying him bridal style.

"Percival, can you help me tie down Merlin's legs."

"Yes, sire."

Percival jumps off his horse and comes over to me. I hand Merlin over to Percival. Then, I jump onto my horse. Percival lifts Merlin onto my horse and I hold him steady. Then he goes to each side on Merlin and ties his legs.

"All good, sire."

"Thank you Percival. Gwaine, did you attach Merlin's horse to yours?"

"Yes princess."

"Let's carry on then."

For the next few hours, I used one hand to hold Merlin against me and the other to hold the horse's rein. I like the warmth of Merlin's body against my own and his head resting in the crook of my head.

For the most part, Merlin didn't move, only stirred a few times when Gwaine got too excited in his story telling. When Gwaine did this, I would glare at him and he would roll his eyes and lower his voice. I wanted Merlin to get as much sleep as possible.

When it begins to get dark, I decided it is probably time to make camp.

"It's getting dark now. Let's make camp and we'll ride out at first light tomorrow. Percival, help me with Merlin."

I hear everybody dismount their horses. Percival makes his way over to me and begins to unstrap Merlin's legs.

"Thank you Percival. You're a good knight."

"No problem sire. Merlin is a good friend and I'll help him in anyway I can."

Hearing Percival say that, I feel a warmth inside of me. I know that each of my knights would do anything to protect Merlin.

Percival grabs Merlin from me and I dismount my horse. I take Merlin from Percival and walk over to a flat spot for Merlin. I place Merlin down and here footsteps behind me.

Turning around, I see Elyan standing there. 


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