Chapter Twenty

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~~Gaius's POV~~

I finish wrapping the bandages on Merlin's stomach.

That night after they brought young Merlin in here, he turned back into the young man I have watched grown-up.

It was a surprise to me in the morning. I remember hesitantly picking up Merlin's arm and putting my two fingers on his wrist.

Depending on what I heard would've confirmed my theory.


I felt the slow, but steady heartbeat.

So it's true. Emrys is immortal.

Just a few minutes after I came across my revelation, I sent a servant to fetch Arthur.

It should be no time at all until Arthur came.

~~Arthur's POV~~

I never ran so fast in my life.

From the moment the servant said grown Merlin and alive in the same sentence, I started running.

But right before I barge into Gaius's chamber, I come to a halt.

If Merlin is now grown, what would my responsibilities as a prince make me do? It's against the law to practice magic.

I think back to my dream that seemed like forever ago.

"You say you don't want this, but then why are you allowing it to happen? What are you doing to stop it?"

If I turn Merlin in, I will become like him. The man in my dreams.

I don't want to rule this kingdom ruthlessly. I want people to feel safe and happy in Camelot.

What's different from the little boy I saw burn on the pyre and Merlin now? They are the same person. Just like any other magic-user. They are only people.

My thoughts are cut off by the door opening.

I see Gaius standing there. He looks surprised, but only for a moment. Then he ushers me in.

Merlin is alive.

Merlin. Is. Alive.

But I saw him die.

I look at Merlin's room and make a movement to go there. But I feel a hand grab my arm to stop me.

"He's alive Gaius. I need to see him."

"I know Arthur. But I need to explain something to you. Something that for now, might be best to keep from Merlin. I've had my theories for a while, but from what happened yesterday confirmed it."

What if Gaius talking about? What theories about Merlin?

"Spit it out, Gaius. I need to see Merlin."

I hate our curt I am with him, but I need to see Merlin. To make sure that he is truly alive.

Gaius sighs before explaining.

"You don't know this, but there have been many cases that Merlin had been in that he shouldn't have survived. But in the end, he magically had. I always thought it was just luck, but now..... I think it might be more than that. Merlin is also known by another name. Emrys. It is what the druids call him. Merlin doesn't just have magic, but he is magic. And magic doesn't just die. It's everywhere in the world. You can't kill magic."

I stare at Gaius in confusion. Merlin has magic, but to be magic? And magic lasts for a long time. What does that have to do with Merlin?

"I don't understand."

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