Chapter One

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~~Merlin's POV~~

"Gwaine, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"When have my pranks not been good?"

"I didn't mean if it's a good prank! I mean Arthur will have me in the stocks for a month if he figures out I'm involved in this."

"Probably. But don't stress about it! Princess will get all mad, throw a vase or two, make empty threats, and then we will all go to the tavern and laugh it off! Come on Merls, don't be such a buzz kill. I haven't even drank anything in like two whole hours to deal with you complaining."

"I think you'll live another hour or two without a drink. And this was your idea and you dragged me into this. Let's just finish before Arthur gets back from his council meeting."

Gwaine loudly huffed and continued setting up the frogs underneath Arthur's pillows. Apparently Arthur made fun of Gwaine in front of all the knights during training and Gwaine's idea of revenge is to have one day of making Arthur miserable. I already know I'm going to regret this because when Arthur gets annoyed, guess who his anger directs to?

"When does the sleeping powder wear off the frogs again?"

"Gwaine. For the tenth time, the powder wears off at the stroke of midnight, per your request. 'I want Arthur's bad day to start at the very beginning,' where your words, were they not?

"First off, we last went over the plan after I came back from the tavern. You don't actually expect me to remember specific details like how long the bloody powder last? Secondly, you and I both know that Arthur deserves one completly horrible day."

"Gwaine, he made one joke about your hair. Aren't we going a little extreme with the falling curtains?"

"He threatened to cut off my hair in my sleep! Princess deserves everything that is coming to him tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes and continued setting up. I would never admit out loud, but Arthur does deserve what's coming to him. For the past few weeks, he's been overworking me to no end and always with an attitude. Maybe this will teach him a lesson.

"Merls, you know everything you have to due tomorrow?"

"Unlike you, I reviewed the plan with a clear mind. Yes, I know exactly what I have to do tomorrow."

"Good. And if something starts to wrong with the plan...."

"We blame it on Percival."

"See, now you're learning!"

I know deep down that if anything were to seriously go wrong with our plan, I'd be excuted by Arthur before I can even blame it on Percival. But what could go wrong?

Looking down at my finished work, I look up at Gwaine and see him poking around with the frogs.

"Gwaine! Arthur will be back in a few minutes. Hurry up! Also, are you coming with me tonight to help last details?"

"Here's the thing Merls. I would love to sneak into Arthur's room after he falls asleep, but there's an event at the tavern tonight that I can't possibly miss."

"Does this 'event' include gambling and picking fights?"

Gwaine put his hand over his heart and gave me a slight huff.

"How could you think so low of me? I thought we were friends?"

I just look down and start laughing to myself. Of course, it's going to be left to the servent to do all the dirty work.

"Okay Gwaine, Arthur should be heading back now. Finish up and leave."

"Okay, okay. Gezz, you're starting to sound like princess here."

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