Chapter Ten

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~~Arthur's POV~~

Elyan, Leon, and Percival all sit around the campfire, looking at me for answers. I look over at Gwaine who is playing with Merlin.

"Sire, why is Merlin a child?"

I look over at Leon.

"I don't know. The witch said she wanted me dead. Instead, she turned my manservant into a child."

Looking back at Merlin, I can't help but feel a happiness inside of me. A few hours ago, Merlin was good as dead. Now? He's the perfect vision of health.

"But Arthur, how much does Merlin remember?"

I hear Elyan's voice but don't turn to him.

"We're about to find out. Merlin!"

At the sound of his name Merlin turns to face me. I can't help but talk a little softer and kinder to him. After all, he is just a little boy.

"Merlin. Can we ask you a few questions?"

"What is your name?"

"My name is Arthur."

"Okay Artur."

In the corner of my eye, I can see Gwaine smile at Merlin's try at my name. I can't help but smile myself. Nobody deserves to be this cute.

"So Merlin, what is the last thing you remember?"

Merlin furrows his brows in though and then his face lights up.

"I was picking mushrooms. Mother wanted them for dinner. Den I had a bad dream about someting throwing a wed ball at me. It was scary. Den I woke up here."

"Merlin, how old are you?"

He looks at his hand and begins quickly counting his fingers. He stops at four and sticks his hand up to me.

"I'm four!"

"Wow. You're so young."

"No. Mother said I'm a big boy!"

Of course Hunith would say that.

"You're right. You're a very big boy. I have another question for you. Do you recognize any of us?"

Merlin looks at each of our face carefully. I doubt that he will but, I can still hope. After a minute, Merlin looks back at me and shakes his head.

"No. I only met you today. Is Will here too?"

Merlin's question leaves me speechless. How can I tell a four year old that his best friend is dead? Gwaine decides to take matters in his own hands when he sees that I don't answer.

"Who's Will?"

Merlin's face lights up at this question.

"Will is my best friend! He's duh only one in duh village dat likes me."

This snaps me back to reality. Who can not like Merlin? He's Merlin.

"Why would you say that?"

Merlin looks down at this hands and starts twiddling his thumbs.

"Dey say bad tings about me."

"What do they say?"

Merlin looks hesitant to answer. I can't imagine young kids saying super bad stuff to Merlin.

"Dey say I'm a bastard and a monster."

I clench my fist together to stop from lashing out. Nobody that young should ever be called what Merlin has been called.

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