Chapter Thirteen

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~~Gaius's POV~~

It all started a few days ago.

I was working on a potion for Mrs. Clause for her singing, when suddenly a feeling of wrongness settled in my stomach.

My first thought is I messed up the potion. I went through all the ingredients again to see if I added the wrong amount, but the potion was perfect.

I thought back to everything I had to do that day. Maybe I forgot to give somebody their potion?

But no. I went through the whole list and I forgot none.

Then, it suddenly hit me.

I've felt this feeling before on a few occasions. It's not because of me, it's because of him.


Merlin's in trouble.

My boy, what did you get yourself into this time?

~~Arthur's POV~~

"You know what you have to do?"

"Mordred. I know. We discussed this a hundred times. I wouldn't forget it."

"Just making sure. Emrys is very important."

"Who's Emrys?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Now, we have to begin-"

All logic goes out the window when a certain yell rang through the corridor.

"Artur! Help me!"

I try to run forwards but am held back by an invisible force.

"Mordred, I swear in every fiber of my body that if you don't let me go, I'll kill you right now."

"The plan-"

"The plan doesn't matter now! Merlin needs me."

"No. Merlin needs you to stick to the plan. If you go barging in there right now, Morgana won't hesitate to kill you. I'm trying to help Merlin here and you dying kinda hinders the plan. I would still rather you dead, but I'm repaying my favor to Merlin. Now, are you going to go barging into the room?"

As much as I want to get Merlin this instant, I know trying to get Merlin now will ruin my one shot of getting him.

Giving up, I nod my head and begin to get into place.

No matter what, I can't let my feelings get in the way of saving Merlin.

~~Leon's POV~~

Being head knight, you notice more things that happen around you. It makes you think and have to plan ahead.

When Arthur first said that he wanted to go walking and not to wait up for him, of course, nobody questioned it. Well, nobody but me.

The others haven't known Arthur as long as I have. And one thing for certain, Arthur always gets what he wants, when he wants it.

Right now, Arthur wants Merlin.

So, I volunteered to take the first watch.

By looking at the sky, it's near midnight. Arthur should be back from his walk.


"Everybody! Wake up now!"

Percival and Elyan immediately wake up. Gwaine slowly turns over and stares at me.

Don't worry Gwaine, it's not like it's an emergency or anything.

"The prince went after Merlin. We need to find him."

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