Chapter Five

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~~Arthur's POV~~

No. This can't be happening.

I feel my chest becoming tighter and it is becoming hard to breathe.

I can't lose Merlin. I can't. He is my.... friend. He's my best friend. And my only friend.

"Sire. Sire! Arthur!"

When Gaius calls my name I finally respond.


"Are you okay? You're crying and you look like you can't breathe."

I'm crying? I'm crying.

I quickly use my sleeve to wipe off the tears from my face.

"Here, drink this. It should help you."

Gabbing the vile from Gaius, I begin to chug down the foul tasting liquid. Just as I finish, I hear the chamber's door open up. I don't bother looking at who it is. I just finish drinking the vile.

"Arthur? Your serving boy told me you would be here."

Now, that caught my attention. I look towards the door to see my father standing there.

"You saw Merlin? Where was he?"

"I believe the boy was heading to your chambers."

Without hearing another word from my father, I run out the door to my chambers.

What will I say to Merlin? I obviously can't beg him to come back. I'm the crowned prince and I don't beg. Maybe I will apologize and tell him that his job is still there if he wants it. Yes! That's perfect. How will Merlin be able to say no to me then?

Finally, I reach my chambers. Okay, I can do this. Deep breath. Here we go.

Let's just say, when I opened up my chamber doors, I saw the last thing I ever expected to see.


All my furniture is floating up in the air. This must be some kind of magic. But, who would do this? Maybe Merlin saw somebody while coming here.

As quick as I came in, I run out. Except when I run out, I run straight into my father.

"Arthur, what is-"

"There's sorcery in my bedroom. Flying bed."

My father pushes me aside and runs in my bedroom.

"Arthur, come here."

I turn around and begin to walk back in. I expect to see al flying furniture all around me. Instead, everything is where it should be, like nothing happened.

"Father, I swear just a minute ago everything was flying-"

"Arthur, listen to me. I know you're unwell. You must rest. Gaius said that this may happen."

"No father. I'm perfectly fine. Just a minute ago, everything was flying around."

I'm trying to explain to my father frantically. I know it isn't all in my imagination.

"Rest for now and don't leave your chambers. I will not having the citizens of Camelot thinking their crowned prince is going crazy."

"I'm not crazy or unwell."

"Of course you aren't. Gaius will come in an hours time to check on you. Get some paperwork done while your up here."

With that, he leaves. I know I'm not crazy or unwell.

Out of the corner of my eye, I swear I see something move by the servant's door.

"Merlin? Merlin, if that's you, stop playing games and come out."

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