Chapter 15:You were an accident//War

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Authors note: A lot has happened in the couple years i took a break from writing this book.. I had a baby, bought a house, lost some family members.. Thank for all your patience, I don't have a set writing schedule but I do want to continue this book, just a warning I started this book when I was 20? i'm 25 now and my writing style has changed over the years so bare with me... and enjoy thanks for coming back.. <3 Thinking of updating once a week but we'll see if I get really into it, it could be more we shall see. <3

*****NOT EDITED*******

Aubree's POV

Liz and I have forced the guys to bring all the food out to the tables outside. It's A LOT of food so everyone had to help. We've just finished the last bit of dishes before Zander's dad walks into the kitchen. "Mom I love you, and I don't mean to rush but we're all starving can we please stop staring at the food and eat already?" It's hilarious to see this "big boss man" beg his mom to hurry up so he can eat.

"Dear one moment goodness gracious. We're almost done. Just wait a couple minutes okay?" She waves him off shaking her head. "For a big bad boss man he sure is a big baby." I can't help but laugh. "Oh dear did I say that out loud.." the fake innocent act make her and I laugh a little bit harder. Grabbing the last dish we both make our way outside, everyone is crowed around talking to each other. Liz put the last dish full of food on the table before speaking loudly. "Good afternoon, evening whatever. Thank you for your patience and for coming together with us today! I would like to take a quick moment to thank everyone who helped in the kitchen to make this happen and to my wonderful husband for supervising and bothering me the whole time. Love you honey you're lucky I don't break your other foot." Everyone laughs but James who just blushes sheepishly, shrugs and blows her a kiss. "Alright women and children dish first, NOT you Oby! Women and small children you rugrat." Everyone laughs as the mothers and their kids start to line up.

I'm admiring the mother interacting with their little ones when I feel arms wrap around my waist. "Why aren't you dishing up babe? Women and children, you are a woman." Z is behind me with his face in my neck, it's hard to focus on the words he's saying when his breath is tickling my neck.

"I am? I had no idea. Thank you for this brand new information." I half laugh, half scoff and roll my eyes. "Ouch! what the hell" Z smacked my butt and is spinning me to face him.

"Watch the 'tude dude" He gives me a quick kiss, winks and walks over to the guys who i can tell by the dumb smirks on their face have watched the whole exchange. Assholes.

Ma walks up beside me holding two plates full of food and hands one to me. "Animals all of them, Zander is like his father in that way no manners or sense of personal space what so ever. I've tried to tame his father but it's no use, I'm sure Z will always be the same way. What you see is what you get I suppose." She laughs and I join in. "Why didn't you dish up sweets, you helped cook it you should have been one of the first in line, these men are savages you know as well as I do there will be nothing left once they get up there." 

"I was waiting for the children to be fed first.. then I got distracted.. people watching." people watching yeah okay, if the blush on my face is any indication I was not distracted my people I was distracted by a person.

"You want kids?" she asked so casually, meanwhile i'm choking on the four pieces of ham I so graciously shoved into my mouth. Ma starts laughing and patting my back. the 'are you absolutely insane' look on my face must be pretty hysterical. "Honey, I didn't mean now obviously, I just mean someday? You'd make a great mother, if the way you are with triples doesn't make it obvious enough."Ma is smiling at me, gut I don't really have an answer for her. I've never really thought much about kids... "I know you're a little young to be thinking about it right now, but happy little accidents do happen if you're not careful." I again have to take a moment to refrain from choking a second time, maybe i'll take a break from eating till this conversation is over which I pray will be soon. "How do you think we got Zander?" Ma chuckles "All I'm asking is if you and Zander are being safe."

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