Chapter 10: Bonding with Jay// Dinner time Antics

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>*A/N* Thank you so much for everyone's support, I just want everyone to know none of my chapters are edited. If you guys don't like my book please just don't read it, instead of writing negative comments on my book. I love every single one of you and I really appreciate all the excitement you guys have for the upcoming chapters! Anyway enough with the mushy stuff! Enjoy!! <

Aubree's P.O.V.

I'm falling. Fast. There's nothing for me to hold onto... Right before I hit the ground my body stop and I place my feet on the ground. Everything is dark I can't even see in front of my face, something is touching my leg as my eyes come into focus! It's a dark claw or maybe a hand, I've seen this before. I can't move. I'm paralyzed in place all I can do is scream as I will my body to run. "Move! Move! Move!" Wait this is a dream! Everything is echoing. The one claw has turned into four they're grabbing and pulling at me everywhere. "Wake up! Please wake up! Someone please wake me up!"

"Aubree! I'm here it's Z wake up!" I can feel my body shaking but all I can do is scream.

"I wanna wake up!"

My eyes finally spring open and the first thing I see is Z, he's panicking. Once he see's I'm awake he hugs me to his body my face in his neck. "Hey princess, it's okay i'm right here." He's rocking us back and forth whispering to me saying i'm okay.

"Looks like i'm not the only one with trouble sleeping." I look up and Jay is standing in the door way leaning against the frame. "I'll get you some green tea, it should stop the shaking, and put some colour back in your face."

I'm shaking? "Thank you." I breathe out, he just nods leaving me and Z alone. "I'm sorry, I don't exactly know how to wake myself up yet.." I'm still whispering and my muscles are burning.

"Shh you don't need to apologize for anything just relax It's two am you crashed early so I brought you to bed everyone is still up, but the windows are finally fixed and everything is cleaned up." Z kisses my shoulder and every muscle in my body unclenches. Two am is crashing early? "Do you want to talk about it?" He whispers.

"No." Is all I have to say, he nods his head and we just sit there Z wrapped around me like a blanket. About five minutes pass and Jay comes in with tea.

"So we have school tomorrow, you have everything? I know you didn't get to finish your psychology paper yet. Do you want some help? You could read it to me, you know practice for the presentation part of it?" Jay is looking back and forth from me to Z, like he's asking Z for permission to be alone with me.

Z unwraps himself from me, "yeah you guys do that I gotta go talk yo boss." He kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

"Are you okay Aubree?" Jay is curious and I can tell he wants to talk about it. He has nightmares too, maybe he can help? I'll tell Z eventually once I can figure out what the heck my nightmares mean.

"Yeah i'm okay just exhausted now." Jay puts his hand on my back and gives me a half smile of understanding.

He breaks our awkward silence by switching the subject for the moment. "I could use a cigarette, want to come outside with me? You don't have to smoke, I just like the company."

"I wouldn't smoke even if you asked me too." I laugh, and so does Jay. "Sure I'll come outside." Getting up we walk down the stairs passing everyone in the living room they look at me with sympathy. Did they hear me screaming? Jay ignores them leading me outside with his hand on my back. We get outside and sit on the front step while Jay lights up a smoke. "I actually didn't know you smoked." I say breaking the silence.

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