Chapter 1: Coming Home//Newest member

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>*A/N* Just a short thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this book, it took a lot of time, effort and bravery to not only write but also publish this book on here. I'll try to update as often as possible until I can get on a set schedule, please be kind..<

Aubree's P.O.V.

It's probably the hottest day of the year and I have an end of term paper due in half an hour, I have 2950 words down so that's 50 words to go. I can't help but look outside and think about how happy I am to be in my own little air conditioned sanctuary. I room by myself at Woodly High Academy, a private school for smart kids. Most of the older kids here make fun of me because I'm 16 and have straight A's in all my classes. I don't really mind all that much because I feel safe here, I finally feel like I belong somewhere. I have felt like a normal person more in the 2 years I've been here at Woodly than I have in my entire life. Just as I finish my 3000 words and email my paper to my teacher my phone starts ringing. "Answer the phone your mother is calling. Answer the phone your mother is calling. Answer the pho-"

"Hi mum"

"Hi my sweet girl what are you up to?" She sounds worried and it kind of puts me on edge.

"What's wrong." I'm very intuitive my mother thinks of it as a gift but I don't because it makes me blunt and some people mistake it for me being rude.

"Honey... We miss you and I think it's time for you to come home. Before you say anything just listen, we have enrolled you in Thunder Bay high for next semester. It's the same school your brother goes to. He'll help you out and be there for you and you're in all AP classes so you won't get bored there is some challenge there." No no no no. This isn't happening, this is a joke. "Honey, say something please so I know you understand what's happening.." I can't talk, I just stand frozen in my spot with the phone to my ear, I want to tell her to stop talking, I want to hang up and pretend this was all a dream. "Aubree I've already talked to your school. There's going to be a car waiting for you in the morning outside you have tonight to pack and say goodbye to all your friends. I'm sorry sweetheart I really am."

"I don't have any friends." Is the only thing I say before I hang up, turn off my phone and lay on my bed and start crying. This is the only place I can be myself and feel like I fit in. I haven't made any friends but I don't really need friends anyway. I have too much school work to do. Once I'm done crying I get up and decide to take a shower as I pass the mirror hanging on my wall I close my eyes. I haven't looked in a mirror since I was 12 and Robby the bully in my 7th grade class told me that my thighs were too big and my eyes freaked him out. I get into the shower wash my face and my hair and all that kind of shower like stuff. I get out and walk to my closet. I pick out my blue marvel baseball and my ripped jeans. I throw on my brown timber lands and walk downstairs to find boxes. I know the kitchen always has boxes so I ask the ladies there and they say I can have as many as I want. Once I think I have enough boxes I go back to my room and I pull up youtube on my laptop and search top songs of 2004 because 2004 had the best music and press play, I pack up my books first, I label about four boxes "books" then move to my closet and pack my clothes, by the time I am done packing the only things that aren't packed are my bedding my laptop and my outfit for tomorrow I have one empty box left and that'll be for my bedding everything else will fit in my school bag. I put Netflix on my laptop and decide it's time to go to bed. I take off my jeans and crawl into bed and fall asleep watching my favorite show Dexter, dreading the next day to come.

Zander's P.O.V.

Working on my bike was my favorite pastime, but today sitting by the fire with my friends and watching everyone talking and laughing outside the clubhouse seemed like the perfect ending to the perfect day. We have a week off school before second semester starts thank god, I cannot take another day of who's dating who and who slept with who it's so draining I mean yeah it's nice having girls throw themselves at you for like the first three days, after that it's like get the hell off me and go away. I don't care about girls or football games. I just can't wait for the school year to be over so I can take over as The Devils Saints president and finally be happy. Today everyone is celebrating the newest member to the club, one of my best friends Jordan, well Jay's entry to the club today he got patched in and he now gets to enjoy life as an official club member.

"Z! Get over here" My best friend Tyler and right hand man yells to me his club name is Blade because that's the weapon he's always favored. Everyone has a club name, some chose them but most just start with a nickname and stick for life like mine. It's just Z that's what my little brother Oby has called since the day he met me. He was adopted into our family when he was 14, but he met me when he was 11. His actual name is Oswald. We picked our club names for each other unintentionally of course I called him Oby and he called me Z, those were the names that just stuck. I can't complain they suit us so it's all good.

"What do you want Blade. I'm busy can't you see." As I sip my beer and lay farther back in my chair.

"Get over here you pansy ass ma needs help moving the couch." He laughs and shakes his head. Yeah Blade's vocabulary is pretty vulgar, well everyone's in the club is actually just some more than others. Ma is Monica also known as my mom everyone just calls her Ma she's a mother to everyone in the club just like my dad George is the leader, our president. Inside club members call him Boss, and outsiders and the people who aren't members yet just call him Sir. As I get up to help my mother my little sister Andie hides behind my legs screaming about how Daniel and Drake are trying to throw her in a mud puddle. Andie, Daniel, and Drake are triplets as well as four years old. I pick Andie up and start walking to the house while Daniel and Drake run around the corner of the house yelling for Andie. As soon as they see me holding her they stop.

"She's lying we did nothing." Is all they say before they run the other way. They're always trying to get her into trouble. That's why she comes to me for help cause I'm the only one the boys will listen to, they look up to me more than anyone else in the club. When I get into the living room, I put Andie down and tell her she can go play in her room so I can help move the couch so my mom can finish vacuuming before putting the kids to sleep.

Putting the triplets to bed is always a chore, there's screaming and crying and temper tantrums but once they're asleep everyone can finally go to sleep to. I say goodnight to my mother and Oby then walk to my room and shower put on some boxers and crawl into bed and like every night I fall asleep to the sound of the club laughing and the smell of beer and bonfire.

Edited on: 2020-03-23

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