Chapter 2: Finding the Papers// Booze Raid

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Aubree's P.O.V.

I'm home sadly, just pulling up to the house I grew up in. As I get out the car my parents sent for me, my older brother Derek, tackles me to the ground and kisses my face all over, like big slobbery kisses. Something close to a dog licking your face is what it feels like. "Ew gross Derek get off!!"

"But I missed you, didn't you miss me Bree?" He's pouting again, using the nickname he's had for me since the day he could talk. Loser. Derek isn't awful looking, just like my mom and dad. He's got blond hair and blue eyes and he's super tall, just like everyone else in my family, I mean besides me. He's a towering 6 feet and 2 inches. I tell him I missed him, and as soon as I'm done hugging my parents and telling them how long and boring the drive was, the truck with my stuff pulls up. Dad and Derek start grabbing boxes as my mom pays the moving guys and the driver. The house on the outside is all the same as it was two years ago, bricks on the outside and the gross red door. Yet the inside has changed a little bit. They ripped up the carpet in the den and switched it for hardwood flooring and a big white fuzzy rug. I walk up the stairs that are thank goodness still carpet, with the amount of times I fall up and down the stairs. It's good at least it won't hurt as much rather than if they were hardwood. Walking into my room everything is not the way I left it. My ugly orange rug is replaced with a beautiful fluffy grey carpet, my brown twin sized bed is replaced with a big king sized bed with a white wooden headboard. In place of my uneven homemade bookcase, is a brand new white empty bookshelf, beside a beautifully empty white desk. It'll be nice to bring the room to life with all my belongings. I walk into the attached bathroom and see it has been painted the same color as my room has been repainted. It's a nice light grey color. I also notice the one person standing shower has been replaced with a beautiful bathtub and a new baby blue shower curtain. I walk back into my room to find an antique full length mirror that I hadn't noticed before and I stand for the first time in years and just stare at myself. My 5 foot tall body, with waist length brown hair, freakishly bright green eyes, thick black glasses on my nose, thick thighs and obnoxiously long eyelashes.

"Do you like it?" I jump and turn around to see my mom standing in the doorway " I thought it would be a step up from your pink walls covered with posters of doctor who. This room is more grown up, more you, more I'm a smart beautiful young lady. It's also for being so understanding about having to come home on such short notice." There are tears in my eyes as I hug my mother for the beautiful room, but also because I'm sad for the loss of my school and my privacy.

"Yes I love it, it's beautiful." My mother Angie smiles and tells me lunch will be ready in 20 minutes and to start unpacking. There's new bedding in the closet for me. She'll wash my old bedding and we can use it for camping or something. "Okay I'll see you in a few minutes, I'm just gonna go wash my face and hands then I'll start unpacking." My mom says okay then walks out. As I'm washing up, Derek and my dad Kenny bring in all my boxes and then go downstairs to help my mother with dinner. I decide to walk around the house to see what else they've renovated. I wander into my dad's office and see he's got a new desk, and me being me I decide to snoop around going through case files and pointing out spelling mistakes he's missed. My dad is an adoption lawyer and he has helped so many kids find loving homes. I pick through files and order them alphabetically. Oswald Cane, Nina Foster, Rain Bryce, Aubree Carter. I see my name and freeze. I open the case file and it reads adopted at birth. All of a sudden it all makes sense. The shortest person in the family, only one with brown hair, only one that wears glasses and only one with green eyes.

"What are you doing love bug?" My dad says as he walks into the room. "Organizing my files just like you always have" he smiles. He hasn't noticed that I'm crying yet. "That's what I love about you bug always helping out." This is when he looks at my face, "Aubree sweetheart what's wrong?" and then sees what I'm reading "No, Aubree honey, we were going to tell you."

"That's all you have to say! We were going to tell you? What is wrong with you guys, did Derek know..?" Before he can talk I run downstairs and see my mom washing lettuce and Derek setting the table. "I'm adopted." My mom looks up with her mouth wide open and is lost for words. "Did you know. You're my best friend and you would tell me if you knew, right Derek? Please tell me you didn't know, please tell me you didn't keep this huge secret from me, tell me we are closer than that."

"I'm sorry Bree.." Before he can say anything else I'm upstairs in my room with the door locked. I can hear my mom crying downstairs but I don't care, at this moment I just want to sit on the floor and cry. I hear my dad telling my brother and my mom to give me some time, I don't think I'll be able to get over this. At least not soon.

Zander's P.O.V.

It's Blade's birthday the first weekend after back to school, he'll be 19 like me and that means we need alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol. You can't have a highschool party without booze right? So that means raiding the cellar which is full of all kinds of alcohol. The club doesn't care if we drink, and neither do our parents, but I think they'd care if we had our yard full of underage drunk teenagers. So not asking seems like the best option for right now.

"Z, we good to go?" Blade looks at me and smirks. He knows something I don't, he did something stupid. "Yeah why, whats up? What did you do?" His smirk drops when we hear Andie yelling at Drake. "Ty told us in tonfidence you can't tell momma you dumbo! This is why Zanner likes me bestest! You're a taddler tale!"

"Blade dude you told the triplets?" I swear my eyes probably looked like they were going to pop out of my head.

"Zander Clarke Cane and Tyler James Moore inside now!" My mom yells.

"Shit." We whispered under our breath, "coming!" We yell at the same time. "Dude if we get in shit it's your fault, you told the triplets." Just as I say this Andie jumps in front of me.

"I'm so sorry! I told Drake not to say noffin and Danny already did! Not me promise Zanner I promise not me!"

"It's okay Ann it's not your fault, I know you wouldn't rat. Tyler shouldn't have said anything to the boys. I say as I glare at Blade.

"Whatever Z I was including them in the plan nobody would expect them, they're four."

We walk inside and ma is staring at us. I knew we were in trouble just by the way her forehead crinkled. "You both know we don't care if you drink, but you know how we feel about parties, especially so close to the clubhouse and with highschool students all around, snooping, and being obnoxious. Also stealing liquor from your family, from your Saint Brothers. If it were under any other circumstances you would be in a world of pain, but because my baby Tyler is turning 19, we will make an exception."

I can not believe what I'm hearing. "What?" Blade and I say at the same time. My mother starts laughing, like full blown laughing, and my father joins her. "Seriously we can throw Blades birthday party? Like here? Beside the club?" I half yell unintentionally.

"Yes, Tyler love you're like another son. We did it for Zander, and we will do it for Oswald too, as well as the triplets. You guys are our family, and the exceptions to the rule about parties. As long as it's outside, and the clubhouse doors stay closed and locked, absolutely nobody goes inside, not even you guys. Also age limit, nobody under 16 so Dustin can join okay?

"Yes! Absolutely! Done!!" I look at Blade and see how happy he is. His parents passed away three years ago. He's lived on his own ever since, of course the club pays for most of our living situations. You could say we are wealthy, anything the club can't pay for the parents and members with normal jobs will pitch in. "Dude, let's start planning. It's only two weeks away, grab the guys, let's go!" While Blade goes to find the rest of our friends I run upstairs like a kid on Christmas. Time to plan the best and first party for the start of the semester and birthday bash!

Edited on: 2020-03-23

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