Chapter 3: I'm New Here// Start to a Beautiful Friendship

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Aubree's P.O.V.

Well that time has come, the first day of school, the day I've been dreading for the entire week. I've been held up in my room sulking. I finally got my room the way I want it, it looks nice and really classy. I haven't talked to any of my family members since the day I found my adoption papers. They've all tried to talk to me, Derek the most but I'm just not up for it. "Aubree sweetie time to get up." I'm fully aware of what time it is. I get out of bed and get into the shower. Once I'm done blow drying my hair and putting on mascara which I can do without a mirror because I'm so skilled and mirrors are my worst enemy, I pick out my clothes. I've decided on a maroon tank top and my black leather jacket over top, with my light blue skinny jeans and my favorite black heeled boots. I grab my brown shoulder bag, put my laptop inside, grab my phone and make my way downstairs. "There you are. You look lovely bug." This is what I've been getting all week. I miss the sanctuary of my dorm room. "We have a surprise for you and your brother for a back to school type thing, come outside."

As we walk outside there are two ford focus' sitting in our driveway, one blue and one silver. "Is this a joke?" Derek asks, and as my parents go off about how it's not a joke and they love us and blah blah blah. I can't help but be a little pissed off that they're trying to buy my love back. I get it they feel bad, and yes they'll always be my parents and I love them but I wish they would have told me sooner. I'm not going to go looking for people that didn't want me, but I would have liked to know. "I call the blue one" typical Derek always has to have everything in color.

"How can you all of a sudden afford all this stuff?" I guess they were in the middle of a conversation because it looks like I cut my dad off. " I mean you re-decorated my room and the living room and now we have brand new cars off the lot. I'm grateful and all but what did you do, rob a bank to get rich or something?"

"Your dad bought a part of a company, it's not a big deal. We just want you to be safe and enjoy yourselves. Anyway it's time to go to school, have fun and drive safe, we love you. Bree go with your brother just for today so you can see where to go and how to get to the school." Yeah great.

The drive to school was simple enough, it was finding a parking space that sucked and the silent ride. As I get out of the car everyone is staring at me. I look down and ignore the looks I'm getting from literally everyone. There's a bunch of motorbikes out front and guys with big leather vests on. As I read one it says, The Devil's Saints, I didn't notice I was staring at them until I made eye contact with one of the guys. I quickly turn my head forward and make for the school. Derek asked if I wanted help but I quickly denied and went into the building. Wandering through the doors I see 'OFFICE' on a big bulletin board with an arrow pointing right. If that doesn't make shit obvious I don't know what would. As I walk into the office the secretary lady is clicking away at her computer "Hi, my name is Aubree Carter I'm new here." I say as quietly as possible.

"Yes, Derek's sister I have your schedule right here hon and here's all the books you'll need." I say a quick thank you and walk out, okay so locker number, locker password, blah blah blah, AP Calculus, Spare, Lunch, AP History, AP Psychology and spare okay so no electives then. I aced English Language Arts and Earth Sciences at Woodly so I don't have to take them here. I look at the time and see I have three minutes till the bell rings, okay I guess I'll find my locker really quick.

Why is it so difficult to find one classroom, good god I found my locker so easy the bell rang six minutes ago. I'm running through the halls looking at the back of each door to try and find the classroom I'm supposed to be in and as I'm not paying attention I run into the back of someone. "Oof ouch. Sorry." I'm too busy rubbing my nose to look up, but when I do I see it's one of the Saints. I heard some girls talking about them this morning saying they murdered some guy because he accidentally pushed one of them during a bar fight, another group of boys said they run a drug cartel and that they have sex with any girl in their vicinity. "Uhhhh'' is all I can mutter as the beautiful man offers me his hand. He's taller than my older brother. He has to be about 6 foot 5, has blond hair that hangs in his face, and lovely brown eyes. He has no blemishes whatsoever and he looks like he has a lot of muscles.

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