Chapter 5: Paid Tutor// Making a Cake

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> *A/N* Longest chapter so far! Enjoy lovelies. Don't forget to follow me and vote on your favorite chapters!<

Aubree's P.O.V.

I've spent my spare time by myself researching- Okay stalking the boys on google, I found out a lot about them. Like how Oby isn't Z's only sibling, he also has three younger siblings. I could have found out much more about them, but I'd rather just talk to them and not be a creep. I also found Jay's real name on a website about sleep studies. 'Patient 3462, Jordan J Smith. Nightmare's keeping him from sleeping. Observation 1 of sleep study: Patient has a hard time falling asleep, seems to fear closing his eyes. Observation 2 of sleep study: 56 minutes later patient has fallen asleep. Observation 3 of sleep study: 3 minutes into deep sleep Patient 3462 starts choking.' I couldn't read anymore after that but I bookmarked the website just in case I ever want to go back to it. Looks like I'm not the only one that doesn't sleep. *Ding Ding Ding* That would be the home bell. I pack up my things and begin walking to my locker hearing the same things as this morning. "Look at her eyes." "She looks like she stays home on weekends." "Nerd alert." The only time I didn't hear anything bad about me was when I was with The Saint's, but that might also be because I was too focused on them. I'm hearing some new gossip about me now too. "She was with The Saint's you know what that means." "Look it's The Saint's new play thing." "Why would they hangout with someone like her?" I'm finally at my locker. I just need my Calculus notebook and folder, I contemplate bringing my psychology textbook home to see if there's anything about how the brain processes nightmares in there... Yeah I'm bringing it home. Once I have everything I need in my bag I make my way to the front doors.

Finally outside I see everyone waiting on me, I guess I took a little bit longer contemplating than I thought I did. Oh well they didn't die, as I come up to the boys, Blade comes up and gives me a hug. "Babe I missed you" I just laugh and push him away.

"Don't call me babe and get off you weirdo." Blade just smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder while he walks me to Zander. He takes his arm off and Zander replaces where his was, I'm getting comfortable with Zanders arm around me and half snuggle in. I've never had a female friend let alone a male friend, so I don't know if this is how they all act, but I'm just going to make the most of it. "You guys all have your practice tests right?" everyone nods except Jay who just mumbles a quiet fuck and rushes back into the school. "It's a good thing I reminded him I guess"

When Jay comes back out he gets in trouble by Gunner, "You shouldn't swear around Aubree, she's kind of like a lady.." Just as Jay goes to apologize I cut him off.

"Okay hold up. One, I am not kind of a lady, I am a lady and two, it just so happens this lady likes pretty things, and the word fuck." Again I make Gunner smile and the boys laugh. As we are having a good time laughing and making jokes a girl I don't know walks up to Dustin, if I remember correctly everyone calls him The Kid.

"So I have a question." She says as she stands a little bit too close to Zander, he puts his one eyebrow up as if to say 'okay hurry up' "Why are you six sexy men hanging out with a thick nerdy girl like Aubree Carter, when you could be hanging out with girls like me on the cheer squad?" 'Thick' and 'Nerdy' I'm back in middle school and kids are calling me fat all over again, and I'm holding in the pain all over again.

Blade pipes in first. "Well for one Aubree is not thick, does she have a nice ass? Yes. Do her thighs make me watch her when she walks away? Yes. Aubree is not thick. Two she's got a skinnier waist than you do and three, unlike you she doesn't bleach her hair and wear colored contacts. Aubree is all women. Natural woman where as you miss, have gotten hit by a crayola truck going 125 on the highway." I can't help but laugh and Zander is next to chime in.

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