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Jungkook's POV

Seeing Hannah run giddily out of the bedroom leaving all of us to stare in the direction where she disappeared left me smiling like a moron as I took in the sight of my 6 other soulmates equally enamoured with her excited nature.

She's definitely been a roller coaster of a woman to get to know. Keeping her thoughts to her self, choosing suffering alone over sharing her thoughts was so far off what I would do myself that I couldn't even properly resonate to try to understand. But seeing her slowly opening up, realising she'll benefit from our entwinement of each others lives was thrilling.

Not even a tiny bit of me was worried that it was her ex boyfriend she was running towards this morning. Seeing Martin and Yeonjun as they came home last night and when they woke up this morning I knew there wasn't just one soulmate bond to stop an unwanted reunion between Hannah and Martin, but two.

We all knew she was with us, wanted to be with us, and accepted us as one. And with Martin's newfound soulmate connection of his own I'd realised I was more than happy for Hannah that she could have someone from her life before the butterfly tattoo to share this new reality with.

We all knew taking her out of her world and bringing her here was a risky move, one that could produce struggles and uncertainty, yet the risk seemed worth the reward of having her close, getting to know her in a day to day scenario. Learning to live together as soulmates and as friends. Easing into a life together, hopefully to last for the rest of our lives.

Easing into a life together was however apparently not Yeonjun and Martin's style. From how I'd experienced them returning to the apartment last night glued to each other's sides obviously not even considering having whatever conversation they were having out loud and giggling and grinning at each other like two teenagers it seemed their bonding was different from how Hannah's was.

I'd heard of it before, it happened between Jimin and Hoseok, I recognised it immediately and I chucked it down to being because I was also not a part of my own soulmate bond when it had happened to them. On the outside looking in I remember was just immensely envious of the people I hoped to be my soulmates when I turned 20, finding a love that was so consuming and so fast paced they couldn't physically be apart.

According to Namjoon's scientist friend it was simply a matter of some souls having a stronger pull than others, not necessarily loving each other more than the rest of the soulmate cluster, but growing comfortable with the love that was thrust at them quicker.

Jimin and Hoseok had been a handful to hang out with for quite a bit after their initial soulmate connection formed, Taehyung and I had yet to be linked and dance practices were a hassle beyond imagination when the two couldn't keep their hands off of each other and we didn't have enough knowledge of the soulmate bond to know what was going on.

We all heard her giggles as she spoke loudly to the men in the kitchen, even from here we could hear her bubbly joy through her voice.

"I'm so in love with her" Namjoon spoke, breaking the unintentional silence that had taken the room.

Jin hummed and hugged him tight.

"I am too, the feeling of her genuine joy and excitement right now is enough to give me goosebumps" he laughed and I noticed Jimin perk up beside me at Jin's words.

"I wanna feel that" He moved up from the side of the bed and walked in long strides towards Namjoon and Jin. "Kiss me please" He demanded cutely and Jin cooed as he turned to take Jimin's cheeks between his hands and kissed him ever so softly on the lips, lingering for a moment but pulling back with a big grin.

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