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"It's weird."

"What is?"

"Being here without them. It wasn't as weird when it was just me and you before, but now that they're gone it's like I can physically feel their absence. Does that make sense?"

Yoongi was making perfect sense, putting words to a feeling I felt deep within but hadn't really known how to pinpoint. The couch was empty even though we were huddled up together under a soft blanket. My body felt light, too light, like a helium balloon only barely tied down to keep it anchored because one person was just enough to ground it, but not enough to make it want to stay grounded.

The apartment was unfamiliar still, the small reminders of Yoongi everywhere the only things to remind me this wasn't a stranger's place. Having him beside me was a comfort I could never take for granted yet my mind and my body kept automatically trying to locate the other parts of me.

"It makes sense. I feel it too" I said. My inner monologue kept to myself, chances were anyway, that he had heard me and didn't voice it into the silent room either.

My body was wrapped up in his arms between his legs, our bodies spread long as they were down the length of the sofa. He hugged me tighter, the warmth of his body like a cocoon around me, comforting.

"It's not going to be like this for ever." Yoongi mumbled into my hair.

"Of course not. And once we get them back full time we'll probably sometimes even wish for alone time like this."

"Mm. Yet now all I want is for them to share this quiet with us."

I turned my head to look up at him, his dark warm eyes already on mine, wet with emotion.

"I'm sorry I made life so complicated for you"

"Hannah, please don't-"

"No I want to say this, please let me say this... I apologise for making life such a hassle for all of you. I apologise that since I've become a part of your lives there has been obstacle after obstacle and they've all been because of me or including me. I won't say I regret anything between us because I don't and I'm sure just like everything else we've been through we'll walk out of this with a lesson or two learned and growth strengthening our bond even more. But I hope you know I am sorry. I never wanted you to have to go through any of this because of me."

"That being said" I continued. "I am very thankful that you did and that you made the decision to give me a chance to be a part of this bond and this love and I am very happy that I get to have this. So I'm sorry, I don't regret it, and thank you."

Yoongi stretched his hand from my arm and down to my hand and entwined our fingers, squeezing them once for assurance before he spoke.

"You know none of us blame you for anything of what's been happening since we met. I know you know that. Thank you for being considerate and trying to see your fault in a situation you feel like you need to do that in but it is unnecessary."

"I'm feeling very emotional today" I said, my eyes searching his, looking for any speck of annoyance as I laid my feelings bare into the conversation.

"I'm unsure of what's happening, scared that things are going to change for the worse and I know my mind is being fucked with by my hormones so I'm constantly trying to figure out which feelings are real and which feelings are just amplified by my period and it's not-"

"All your feelings are real, sweetheart. Don't try to box any of them in as invalid. It's all a part of you and I don't want you to hide or diminish anything of you. We need to communicate for this to work. I want to know you, all of you."

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now