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The feeling of lips brushing against the skin of my neck was what woke me from my sleep. Warm pillowy lips moving softly from spot to spot leaving a trail of tired affection with arms tightening their hold around me, cuddling me into them, amplifying the warmth between us.

"Good morning" I mumbled as I stretched my body to the best of my abilities while still making sure I wasn't moving away from his embrace. His naked torso was pushed against my equally naked back and the feeling of skin on skin was just as electrifying as it was last night.

"Mmmh good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well?" Jimin's breath tickled the hairs in the back of my neck and I leaned even more against him, enjoying the feeling of having him this close.

"Like a baby. Thank you for holding me, I feel really good"

"You're welcome. Though, I have to admit this crossed the line from selfless to selfish ages ago. My body is not very happy with the idea of letting you go right now." Jimin chuckled. I let my arms rest atop his around me, my nails scratching soft traces against his forearms while I stared out into the room. The heat surging through me was soothing and almost enchanting, making me dazed and unable to really focus on anything at all.

It was even stronger than yesterday.

"Oh- I must have gotten my-"

"Fairly certain you have yeah. We didn't really know what to expect when you woke up, we haven't done this before, but Jin is running you a bath and Yoongi is in the kitchen."

I could feel heat pushing against the back of my eyes as he spoke, water warped my sight as I stared into the room finally taking in the different impressions of my surroundings. The sound of water running from the bathroomroom next door immediately clear, Jin's humming voice a calming addition to it as it rang against the tiled walls. My senses deeply pleased with the scent of food in the air, was Yoongi frying something? Something savoury was being prepared, that much was clear but I couldn't connect the scent to something specific. My mouth was watering nonetheless.

"Yoongi's been in the kitchen since the moment he woke up. I'm pretty sure he's made several full meals at this point. He didn't know what you would want so he's trying to cover all bases."

A joyous laughter ripped through me, my affection for my soulmates going through the roof knowing they were doing all this for me, no matter how unnecessary it was because I'd be just as pleased if they just wanted to sit here and hold my hand.

I turned around in Jimin's hold, our heads centimetres away from each other sharing the same pillow.

"I love you" I whispered. My eyes on his, watching them scrunch up in a smile.

"I love you" He said back and inched forward, our noses rubbing against each other. Just that tiny touch sent sparks through me even with our naked bodies pressed up against each other already.

Letting my arms wrap around his torso in a hug I kissed him softly before snuggling into his chest.

"Anyone ever tell you you're insanely hot?" I asked, marvelling at the feeling of his firm chest against my cheek and the muscled back my hands had the privilege of touching.

Jimin chuckled.

"Jin told me that once."

"Jin told you what?" I heard his voice before I heard his steps, one, two, three long steps and then the bed eased where he must have crawled into it to fit himself behind me.

"That I'm the hottest guy you've ever seen."

"Hah! Nice try but you're not Namjoon."

I hid my smile against Jimin's skin, trying not to laugh as I heard the stunned exasperation come from Jimin in offence to the comment. Jin's fingertips were brushing up and down my back, further soothing me into a dazed half-awareness while I just enjoyed my soulmates being near me.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now