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Hi, it's me. 

I'd just thought I'd leave  a teeny tiny warning that this chapter is the first chapter of Complete us that is considered mature. 

If you're not here for a smutty experience then this chapter is probably not for you. 

If you are here for a smutty experience then welcome - come right in and take a seat. 

In other news I caught covid a week ago and half this chapter was written while I was isolated so I'm not 100% sure I won't do small edits at a future time. 

Okay I'm done babbling now, please enjoy chapter 7. 


Like the fresh scent of spring flowers, the sound of your favourite song, or the sight of something blurry coming into focus, kissing Namjoon felt like a relief and a surprise all at once. The taste of him on the tip of my tongue, the warmth of his touch where his large hands cupped my face as he pulled me closer. Reality became surreal with the truth of him being my soulmate fluttering like fiction in the back of my mind.

Had I had time to think about it I would have probably been self conscious about how easily I allowed myself to erase everything that wasn't him. How I easily revelled in the feeling of us being just us and forgetting our surroundings completely. He was everywhere, his kiss caressed my lips, his touch caressed my skin and his soul caressed mine. It felt like we were dancing even though I was fairly confident we were actually laying just like we had been before melting into the kiss that I never wanted to end.

His body shifted slightly, leaning down to allow some of his weight to rest on me, deepening the kiss just a little, drawing a sigh from my lips that allowed him further access. I'd forgotten what breathing was, my lungs and I agreed that we didn't need oxygen, we just needed Namjoon. His tongue danced along mine and the kiss grew more insistent, almost hurried, Namjoon's hands trailed a path down my arms and rested on my hips, his fingers massaging my skin through my dress with a pressure almost like he was making sure I wouldn't go anywhere.

When we pulled away from each other our chests heaved against one another's and the only sound audible were the sound of our ragged breaths and his slight giggle as he looked at me. Namjoon's eyes hooded and filled with more, with want, he looked just like how I felt and the fluttering in my stomach got sporadic when his strong arms rolled us both over on the blanket so my body was laying splayed out on top of his, his arms holding me tight to assure I stayed on top of him and taking away any possibility I had to steady myself, leaving the job completely up to him.

The world stood still around me, Namjoon's eyes held the universe and I couldn't look away, his hands spread across my back felt amazing and the only thing I could think of was how I wanted him closer. Moving my legs to where I was straddling him I leaned my head up towards his face again and kissed him once more, the sensation hitting me as if it were the first time all over again. The fireworks making my whole body tingle and his roaming hands making me move my body in a tempo to meet his touch. A stuttered moan escaped him between the meeting of our lips and his body pushed up against mine in response to my swivelling hips creating friction between us. I couldn't help but hum in satisfaction, pushing my hips even harder down against him, feeling his excitement between us.

Moving against each other, our moans swallowed by the other to keep within our kisses, I couldn't think of anything being as good as this moment was right now, no sensation bigger, nothing so important that it could pull us out of this feeling.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now