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Few things are needed in life to create an illusion of normality. In some situations a smile is all it takes for others to perceive what ever you're doing as something you've done before. Confidence goes a long way regarding anything concerning people looking in from the outside.

The illusion of normality for me however was in my mind a workspace, somewhere I could sit down and do just exactly the same as I had done for the past year. A room or area where I was just me doing my job. The idea had sent an expected feeling of calm through me, hopeful and excited to have a life with my soulmates while also being me.

Yet staring out the enormous window that clad one of the walls of my new office I couldn't help but realise that even though I had everything I needed in order to do my job here, the relief of normality my mind had created in my expectations didn't come. Even though the job was the same it felt like I'd started something new, the feeling of spending time with just me and my creativity in front of a computer or tablet didn't draw this glee that it used to out of me anymore.

I should be worried, sure, scared my livelihood would be affected by my lack of motivation for the job. I probably would be if I weren't also fully aware of where my motivation had relocated to. My alone time creating art used to be my safe space, but more and more for every day, the seven men who all held a piece of my soul had taken its place. Sure I still enjoyed the creative process and the satisfaction of making something and using my mind creatively, but right now, sitting alone in my office staring at the log in screen of my computer I realised there was nothing I wanted less than to unlock it and find out if I'd gotten any new tasks to do today.

I leaned back in my chair and took a glance around my office. I'd been part of picking out the main furniture, choosing things from a website two days ago with Jin and I was baffled when all of it suddenly showed up yesterday. When I left the office last night all that had been in here had been the big desk up against the window with the beautiful view of the city and the chair I'd chosen pushed next to it. My last addition had been a rug we found on a website and drove out to pick up in a hurry ten minutes before the shop had closed yesterday. It was simple but that was all that I needed in there for it to function as an office and I was pleased.

Walking in here this morning however, after saying a whiny goodbye to all 7 of my men when they left me to go to their own office, I'd been shocked to say the least. On one side of the room was a big white book shelf, simplistic in style and well placed in the room but the contents of its shelves was what took my breath away. Every single BTS album, dvd, blu ray and photo book ever released. In order, sealed and with a tiny note on a BT21 note pad taped to the front.

"Because we couldn't bring your collection here -T"

The giggle leaving me was definitely a product of me trying not to cry. I didn't do well with gifts and especially not gifts from someone who knew what I wanted without asking.

That was far from the only surprise in my office space however. On the previously empty desk stood a large monitor with a red bow tied around it, in front of it stood a key board and a mouse and then I saw the actual computer underneath the desk. Another note was linked to it, this one cut out of paper like a heart.

"It's supposed to be the best. You deserve only the best. -JK"

Overwhelmed I'd then noticed the huge set of speakers set up in the ceiling and in the corners of the room.

"Good music becomes better with good speakers. - Y" another note said. Short and straight to the point and I'm sure he didn't even know how adorable I found it that he was worried about the quality of the music I listened to while working.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks but I didn't care about them, they were happy tears, a product of feeling the love from my soulmates and feeling taken care of.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now