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Third Person POV

Perenelle, Nicholas, and Alyssa all walked to the Leaky Cauldron and entered Diagon Alley. They all made a beeline to the Gringott's building.

Gringotts was an imposing snow-white multistoried marble building located partway down Diagon Alley, near its intersection with Knockturn Alley, that towers over the neighboring shops. 

The goblin ran bank was the place where British witches and wizards store their money and other valuables, in heavily-guarded vaults miles below ground. It was centuries old and only the goblins knew the secrets of the twisting underground passages and the enchantments and creatures in place to defend against intruders.

Perenelle, Nicholas, and Alyssa all walked up a set of white stairs leads up to a set of burnished bronze doors. The doors were flanked by a goblin in a uniform of scarlet and gold. The door was the entrance to Gringotts, and it lead into a small entrance hall and another set of doors. 

Engraved on these silver doors are the words:

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there

"A child of Hermes could easily break into this place." Nicholas mumbled to Perenelle, who nodded in agreement.

The trio entered the main hall, which had vast marble hall long counters stretching along its length with doors leading off to the vault passageways with around a hundred goblins sitting at them.

Nicholas tapped one and the goblin looked up.

"Lord Flamel?" the goblin said in shock.

"Hello Darkest. I would like adoption papers and name changing papers as well. I would like to do this in private along with a blood adoption potion." Nicholas said. Alyssa had agreed to change her name, since she wanted her new last name to match her soon to be parents.

"Yes Lord Flamel." the goblin, Darkest, said and escorted the three to a private chamber, briefly leading to get the adoption papers, the name changing papers, and the blood adoption potion.

When he came back, Nicholas and Perenelle began the adoption papers.

Gringott's Adoption:

Nicholas Flamel

Perenelle Flamel 

Sign: NF & PF

Child to be adopted: Alyssa Persephone Potter

Alyssa signed next.

Sign: A.P.P

Alyssa grinned widely, she had parents now!

"Now for the name changing. What do you want your name to be Alyssa?" Perenelle said.

Time skip

After five minutes of discussion, the magicals in the room all went to the next paper.

Gringott's Name Changing

Birth Name: Alyssa Persephone Potter

New Name: Jada Pandora Flamel

Sign: JPF

Gringott's Signature: Darkest

Alyssa-no, Jada smiled at her new name.

"Congrats Miss Flamel." Darkest said politely. "The blood adoption potion."

"Jada, this potion is a blood adoption potion." Perenelle said "It will hurt, a lot, and also change how you look like. Do you want to take this?"

"If it can help hide me from Dumbledore then yes." Jada said. Nicholas and Perenelle had told Jada everything on the way to Gringotts.

Darkest passed over the potion, and Jada swallowed it.

Jada then began screaming out in pain, and Nicholas and Perenelle could only watch. Jada's features began changing and she screamed in even more pain, and then the screams stopped.

Perenelle quickly picked up her daughter, and Jada let out a groan, opening in her eyes.

Darkest quietly handed over a mirror, and Jada held it in shaking hands as she studied her new features along with her adopted parents.

Her once emerald green eyes were the exact color of greek fire, and her black hair held fire red streaks. Her skin was slightly paler, and her lightning shaped scar was gone.

"There was a Horcrux in the scar." Darkest said "The potion removed and destroyed it."

"Thank you. We'll visit in a week or so." Nicholas said.

"Let's go home Jada." Perenelle said.

Jada nodded, and the three Flamel's apparated out of the room.

Yes its two updates in one day but do I care?


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter!

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