Selene gives a quest

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Third Person POV

The weather was slowly growing weirder as summer continued on. Which made Jada nervous as she knew in her bones that this summer would be very dangerous.

Jada had gone back to Flamel Chateau for the summer. Asher and Luna had been invited as well and they had come.

It had been weird since Christmas and it was clear that the chid of fire's Uncle Zeus and Uncle Poseidon were fighting over something.

Jada tried to ignore it as she spent her summer studying, reading, practicing magic and her powers, visiting her wizard friends, last and sparring but the very odd weather was getting harder to ignore.

One the first day of summer, it was reported a hurricane had hit Long Island. Hurricanes didn't happen that early at Long Island so it had been either Zeus or Poseidon who had done it.

The news report had made Luna, Jada, Asher, Perenelle, and Nicholas more worried that something had happened to cause Zeus and Poseidon to fight like this.

The legacy of love just prayed it would end by the end of summer. This was slowly becoming like the end of the world movie shit!

"What do you think is going on?" Jada asked over dinner one night. That day Luna, Asher, and Jada had all gone to the gaunt family shack to destroy the Gaunt Family Ring, and they ."Also, good food as usual Dobby and Kreacher."

Kreacher and Dobby beamed at the praise from their mistress and disappeared back into the kitchens

 Kreacher was on of the best cooks among the legacy of magic's house elves and was assigned as the head of the Flamel Family's house elf cooks.

"Something's been stolen and Zeus blames Poseidon most likely." Asher said. They were all talking in English.

"That's the most obvious case." Perenelle said.

"But who would steal it?" Nicholas wondered.

"A demigod." the legacy of the sun murmured "A demigod stole something very important. Most likely during the Winter Solstice when the campers were all up on Olympus."

"You think they'll blame me?" Jada said "I was there..."

"No, I do not think you will be blamed." Nicholas said. "But I am glad you are spending the summer here and not at Camp Half-Blood."

Everyone jumped at the loud boom of thunder over Flamel Chateau.

"That's not me!" the legacy of wine and madness yelled. She had a small bit of weather magic she had been practicing "Its probably Uncle Zeus..."

"Bed. Now." Perenelle said and all three younger demigods headed for their rooms.

Jada got into her night clothes when she reached her room and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Scene Change, the next morning

"Jada, Jada, Jada wake up!" a voice hissed next to the legacy of the moon's ear.

Jada shoved a fire covered hand in the persons direction and there was a small yelp. The person then left and Jada rolled over, burying her face into her pillow.

Two minutes later, a large airhorn blasted through her room. Jada bolted up straight up in her bed. "Ah! Who's there! Get the swords!"

She heard giggles and her vision focused enough to see the legacy of night standing in the door way of her room.

"What the hell was that for!?" the legacy of wisdom demanded to Asher, who as holding the airhorn and smirking.

"We have a visitor. Get dressed and come down to the main hall." Asher said flatly and left the room.

The legacy of wisdom mumbled several not so polite words at Asher's back but put on a dark red shirt, and black leggings before she left the room.

The legacy of magic hurried down the stairs to the main hall, meeting up with Luna and the child of fire froze when she saw the visiter.

"Grandmother Selene?!" Jada said.

"Good to see you again Jada." Selene smiled to her grandmother. "I'm here to assign a quest for you and your friends."

"Um okay?" the Greek fire green eyed girl blinked.

"Your uncle's master bolt has been stolen." the titaness of the moon explained swiftly, getting gasps of shock from Jada, Perenelle, Asher, Luna, and Nicholas. "He's blamed Poseidon. You have to the Summer Solstice to find and return the Master Bolt."

"Got it." Asher said "Let us get ready and we'll head out."

"Good." Selene nodded.

Scene Change

Jada hugged her dad one last time. "I am so proud of you, understand?" Nicholas whispered.

"I know dad." the legacy of magic said.

"You should all go now." the titaness of the moon said "St. Louis would be the best place to start."

"Got it grandmother." Jada said. She held Luna and Asher's hand, and they all vanished in a bright flash of flame.

That is today's chapter, I hope that you have enjoyed it.

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