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Two weeks after Thalia's sacrifice.

Third Person POV

Nicholas and Perenelle both decided to introduce Jada to Chiron and Dionysus a month after Gringott's.

Jada's magic had grown rapidly after the blocks and key's removed from her system and the two older Flamel's knew she would be a powerful witch.

"Jada, it's time!" Nicholas said, and Jada quickly put down her book from her spot reading in the library and ran down to her parents.

"Time to go to Camp Half-Blood?" Jada asked.

"Yes little fire." Perenelle said, smiling at her daughter.

"Yeah!" Jada cheered.

Nicholas made a portkey and the three Flamel's disappeared.

Scene Change, Camp Half-Blood.

Annabeth was having a semi normal day. She didn't have a nightmare of Thalia's sacrifice the other night!

However, she spotted two older people and a girl her age walk into camp, she was confused.

"Perenelle!" Mr.D. yelled. "Wonderful to see you!"

Mr.D knew the women?

"We decided to visit Father." the women, Perenelle, said.

Ah so the women, Perenelle, was Mr.D's daughter.

Explained why he was cheerful to her, he was only like that to his kids Castor and Pollux.

"Lord Dionysus." the man bowed, and Annabeth saw matching rings on the man and Perenelle's fingers.

"Nicholas, I hope you're treating my daughter right." Mr.D said.

"Treating her wrong? Why would I?" the man, Nicholas, said faux confused.

"Father, meet your new granddaughter. Jada Flamel." Perenelle added. "We blood adopted her a few months ago."

The girl, Jada, waved to Mr.D. "Your mom's dad?"

Mr.D grinned at Jada-to the shock of everyone- "I'm a grandfather? Perenelle why didn't you inform me sooner!?"

"Well we had to train her first." the daughter of madness said dryly "Jada here is going to be a very powerful witch."

"Of course she is going to be, Jada's your daughter." Mr.D said.

Chiron stepped forward. "Do you know her godly parent?"

The man, Nicholas, and Perenelle exchanged looks. "We do."

"Then who?" Chiron pressed.

"Chiron, I don't think-" Nicholas began, glaring slightly at the Trainer of Heroes.

Everyone froze when a hologram of fire appeared, with a small hologram of a silver torch, a small hologram of a dove, and a small hologram of a torch with a moon above the ghostly flames of the torch appeared.

Dionysus snapped his fingers, adding a hologram of a bushel of grapes as well over Jada along with an owl as well.

Chiron snapped out of his shock and bowed like he would for other claimed campers. The other campers followed the Trainer of Heroes, bowing as well.

"All hail Jada Flamel, daughter of Hestia goddess of the family and home, hearth, domesticity, virginity, and the state. Legacy of Aphrodite goddess of beauty, love, desire, passion, pleasure, and fertility. Legacy of Hecate goddess of the Mist, magic, witchcraft, sorcery, crossroads, necromancy, night and the moon." the centaur said.

"Legacy of Selene Titaness of the Moon, radiance, and insanity. Adopted legacy of Dionysus god of god of grape-harvest, wine, madness, parties, religious ecstasy, and theater. Adopted legacy of Athena, goddess of wisdom, civilization, mathematics, strategy, defensive warfare, crafts, the arts, and skill." Chiron announced.

That is today's chapter, I hope you have enjoyed it.

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