Battle of the Labyrinth

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Third Person POV

Over summer, Percy and Annabeth discovered an entrance into camp via the maze.

Annabeth, Grover, Percy, and Tyson all entered the Labyrinth. Everyone was tense and nervous for the upcoming invasion.

They did however, begin fortifications for Camp.

They weren't going down without a fight.

Massive walls one hundred feet from the entrance to the Labyrinth, the land between it a no mans land, the walls armed with deadly plants, machine guns, and demigods, the machine guns bullets coated in a deadly substance that would kill if coming into contact at the tiniest amount of skin.

The Demeter Cabin planted a dozen Whomping Willows, nine Devil's Snare, six Snargaluff, and a Venomous Tentacula, but instructed to only attack the titan army and monsters and to defend those from Camp Half Blood. That meant they had to introduced all of Camp Half Blood to the plants.

The Aphrodite and Dionysus cabin made chemical mixtures to use as well. They were combing their skills to make chemical weapons to use against the upcoming invading army.

While this may seem unsafe, the Hecate children loyal to Olympus added their own spells to the chemical mixtures to ensure that those form Camp Half Blood army would be unaffected by the chemical mixtures.

The Hermes Cabin used their pranking skills to a more fatal affect along with rigging explosive greek fire bombs buried in the ground of the no mans land. They also helped in whatever they could.

The Athena Cabin made an HQ with security cameras all over camp and all campers had a comm system to stay in touch.

The Hephaestus and Ares Cabins combined their skills to shells that would explode mid air and unleash acid rain, greek fire bombs to lace the no mans land.

A majority of it was paid by Jada and her massive wealth. The legacy of wine and madness was willing to pay for all of it if it mean to protect her beloved Camp Half-Blood.

Jada with some of the Ares Cabin made a massive dirt wall with silver and Celestial Bronze machine guns mounted on the top, and in case the traitor demigods tried to climb the walls, the walls were covered in several deadly potions, a Devil's snare, and poison if they did attempt to climb it.

The children of Hecate loyal to Olympus added wards, spells, and curses directed to hurt and kill the Titan army and spells and enchantments to aid the campers. Jada and Asher helped them set up those wards, spells, and curses with their own flares.

However, it got worse when Annabeth showed up, with no sign of Percy and the volcano exploded.


Percy luckily came back, with moonlace so the legacy of wisdom guessed the son of the sea had landed in Ogyia. Percy Tyson, Grover, and Annabeth did another dive into the Labyrinth.

When they came back, they saw an even more heavily fortified Camp Half-Blood. Automans had been added to the massive earth walls and to man the machine guns with runes covering their bronze bodies.

A squad of Hermes Cabins appeared out of no where, a sword pressed to his throat.

"Is it really you Jackson? How bad do you have it for Chase?" one questioned.

Percy splutter and coughed. "Dude! The bro code!"

"Yeah it's both of them." another said, taking her knife away from a red faced Annabeth.

"If you can stop, we have important news." Annabeth growled.

"What news?" a daughter of Hermes questioned.

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