End of the Year

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Third Person POV

Soon the school year ended at Beauxbatons. There was a feast at the school, and Madam Maxine stood to make a speech.

"Et la fin d'une autre année. Cela a été merveilleux de vous voir tous grandir et de rencontrer mes nouveaux étudiants. Rappelez-vous, pas de magie cet été. Et au revoir Septième Année, que vous ayez une bonne vie, et souvenez-vous des bons moments que vous avez passés ici à l'Académie de Magie de Beauxbâtons!" Madam Maxine announced to the student population.

Translation: And the end of another year. It has been wonderful to see you all grow, and to meet my new students. Remember, no magic this summer. And goodbye Seventh Years, may you have good lives, and remember the good times you had here at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!

"Au revoir Septième Années!" the other students yelled as the Seventh Years stood and bowed.

Translation: Goodbye Seventh Years!

Asher and Jada began discussing what they wanted to do that summer at Camp Half-Blood.

"Vous devriez essayer le mur de lave! C'est une bonne pratique pour esquiver." the child of fire said to her friend.

Translation: You should try the lava wall! It's good practice for dodging

"Vous dites simplement que c'est parce que vous êtes immunisé contre le feu et que désormais la lave ne peut plus vous blesser." Asher grumbled back.

Translation: You are only saying that is because you are immune to fire and henceforth the lava cannot hurt you.

Jada just smiled mischievously at the son of Hermes.

"Jada, peux-tu aussi essayer de venir me rendre visite cet été ? Ce serait un été ennuyeux sans au moins une visite de votre part. Fleur added as well.

Translation: Jada, can you also try to come and visit me as well this summer? It would be a boring summer without at least one visit from you.

"Je ferai de mon mieux Fleur. Et essayez également de continuer à pratiquer votre anglais." the legacy of the moon said to the half Veela.

Translation: I'll do my best Fleur. And also try to keep practicing your English as well.

The feast soon ended, and Jada got in the same carriage she had gotten in when leaving for school to return back home to Flamel Chateau.

Scene Change, Leaving Feast, Great Hall, Hogwarts

Whispers were running rampant through the Great Hall.

Professor Quirrell was dead, but how was unknown. But after the Halloween Incident, there was a lot of contempt hovering about the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

At the head table, Dumbledore sighed at the rumors flying about. Quirrell had been playing host for Voldemort.

Dumbledore had hidden Nicholas Flamel's stone in the Mirror of Erised to keep it away from the Dark Lord's grasp.

But because a majority of the Wizarding world believed Voldemort to be dead he could only ask his teachers to put up defenses without warning them how important the protections could be.

Minerva, one of the few who knew the truth, was ready to snap his neck for endangering the school children by putting bait for the Dark Lord in the school.

Quirrell had been able to get past all of the obstacles expect the last, and Dumbledore had found the man ranting at it. Voldemort had given a hasty retreat after a short duel, and Quirrell had burned to ashes.

Dumbledore was also seething because he had been planning to use the Stone as a test for the Potter Heiress, but since she was gone and no where to be found at all, he couldn't do anything.

And of course, what made it worse was that Nicholas refused to let him see or talk to his new heir/heiress. He had hoped to get the Flamel child to attend Hogwarts, but that had failed and he had no idea where she was now.

Dumbledore had reported Quirrell's death as a failed dark curse turned back on him he tried to curse the Headmaster, who admitted to disarming him. The investigating auror's cleared him and the story was checked out after using Prior Incantato, finding Dumbledore's dismaying spell and nothing else(to the ministers not so secret frustration).

They also found a number of dark and illegal curses on Quirrell's wand which backed up Dumbledore's story.

This did nothing to expel the rumors though and the article the Daily Prophet ran just made them worse.

Damm you Rita Skeeter!


Blaise was really wondering his chances of going back to Hogwarts. First a troll, then the DADA teacher goes nuts, attacks the Headmaster, and is now dead.

Bloody great.

Oh and the one time that Weasley and Granger were caught in the Owlery with a baby dragon that the groundskeeper had hatched; and the two along with Malfoy(who had been out of bounds spying on them and then reporting it instead of waiting for the next day where he would have the excuse of overhearing it) to the Forbidden Forest where they found some guy drinking unicorn blood.

He was a bit said about the unicorn. It was a beautiful creature and didn't deserve to die and have its blood be drank by some creepy guy.

He honestly thought that Alyssa Potter had the right idea to not attend Hogwarts.

That's today's chapter, I hope you have enjoyed it.

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