Percy jumps from the Arch

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Third Person POV

Jada, Luna, and Asher all appeared next to Annabeth and Grover at St.Louis in a bright flash of fire.

Both of them jumped away form the sudden surge of heat.

"Ahh! Jada don't do that!" the daughter of wisdom yelped; she hated when Jada did that. It was so... weird and with a high possibility of being burned.

Not that she would say that about Mr.D's granddaughter.

"Annabeth? Grover?" the legacy of wine & madness frowned in confusion.

"Why are you here?" Grover demanded.

"Hestia assigned us a quest to get the Master Bolt." the legacy of night stated to the satyr who nodded.

"We have a quest to do that!" Annabeth frowned in confusion.

"Parallel quests then!" Jada grinned cheerfully "Where's your third quester then?"

"Percy's still up there-" Annabeth started but was cut off when there was a loud explosion from the arch and a figure falling into the river.

"He's dead!" Jada shrieked-whispered.

"No he's the son of Poseidon." Annabeth said as she and Grover began searching for the boy, Percy. Luna, Jada, and Asher joined in to help.

"What!?" the legacy of wisdom whispered-yelled to Annabeth "Your telling me I have a cousin!? Why didn't you IM me!? This is very important news! I needed to get him a gift!"

"I didn't have time!" Annabeth snapped before they found Percy. He had black hair and sea green eyes.

"Who are you guys?" he asked, eyes narrow at the new arrivals.

"Luna Lovegood, legacy of great immortals Selene and Apollo." Luna said, introducing herself.

"Asher White, son of Hermes, legacy of Nyx. We're going to be working together I guess." Asher said.

"Hestia assigned us a parallel quest." Annabeth said before Percy could ask.

"Jada Flamel, daughter of Hestia and legacy of Aphrodite, Hecate, and Selene, adopted granddaughter of Athena and Dionysus. Nice to meet ya cousin." the legacy of love greeted.

The boy blinked. "Wait what-"

"No time lets go!" Annabeth said and the six began running.

They passed a reporter doing a news break. What he said almost caused them to freeze in shock.

"Percy Jackson. That's right, Dan. Channel Twelve has learned that the boy who may have caused this explosion fits the description of a young man who went missing in a New York car crash nine days ago. Both Percy Jackson and his mother, Sally, have been missing ever since. Jackson appears to be traveling west. For our viewers at home, here is a photo of both Percy Jackson."

The six ducked around the news van and slipped into an alley.

"First things first," Percy stated. "We've got to get out of town!"

Somehow, through liberal use of Notice-Me-Not charms from the three magicals, they managed to get back to the Amtrak station without being spotted. Jada payed the tickets for herself, Luna, and Asher.

They made it on board the train just before it pulled out for Denver.

The train trundled west as darkness fell, police lights still pulsing against the St. Louis skyline behind them, and Luna and Grover began to talk about magical creatures.

"Okay who are you guys? What was that?" Percy demanded.

"I'm your cousin, me, Luna, and Ashers are witches and a wizard respectively, and we're on a parallel quest to find the Master Bolt. I'm your cousin by my immortal mother Hestia. Safety in numbers so let's stay together!" the legacy of magic explained.

"Immortal father?" Percy blinked. "Magic?"

"if the greek gods are alive then magic is real." Asher said.

"Luna, Asher, and I go to a magical school in France during the school year." Jada said.

"And Hestia? Isn't she a virgin goddess?" the son of the sea said.

"I was born from fire, Hestia's aura, and my birth fathers aura. Simply, I was born form parthenogenesis like the Athena kids, how else do you think Athena has kids? I'm adopted that's why I said birth father." the legacy of the moon explained flatly to her sea cousin. "Don't ask."

"Oh." Percy said, turning red with embarrassment. "Hi?"

"How about we all sleep?" Annabeth said.

The other five murmured in agreement and the six demigods fell asleep to the rocking to the Amtrak.

That is today's chapter, I am really sorry that its so short. But I hope that you have enjoyed it.

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